Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Go get your dreams!!

When you want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

I was moping around home today and in debate of whether I should do a post. But I was kind of lacking inspiration, until.... I was going over an old letter from one of my penpals. And I had told him before about how I have days when I just have such difficulty trying to get into something that's completely out of my natural element. Like playing a different sport, learning a new language, this and that...

And in response his letter wrote "...There's a saying that goes, when you really want something, the universe works in your favor..." And I immediately knew what he was talking about! It was a quote from one of my favorite authors - Paulo Coelho. If ya haven't heard the name before, you really need to check him out. Enough said.

Anyways, I remember writing to him and telling how appreciative I was about him reminding me of those words because, they have such special meaning and truth that his letter just gave me a huge boost I needed. Because we all know how crazy complicated life is, but when you just take the time to understand yourself and how life just is. You just get a huge hand from God, helping you to get back on track again.

When I was in high school, and like most young people at this age. They ask us to take this career aptitude test that is supposedly to "help" us realize what we should do in life. I remember taking the test over and over and over. And my results were usually - you should be a designer, an actress, an artist, a business specialist. I remember thinking, really? Is this what I should actually do with myself in the future? But then this past year, I finally thought - this computer doesn't know me! Nor does this test have anything to do with who I really am! What is the real I? It's what you are, not what others make of you.

Regardless if you're a child, a teen, or an adult - we all have dreams. And every now and then there's always someone or something dictating and trying to affect the path of our dreams. Dreams are the language of God. When you set a path for yourself, you have to be stubborn about it and try your best never to lose focus. Of course, there will be good times and bad, but it's how we interpret those times that we can really take to advantage. We have this language of the omens, the language of the signs. It is an alphabet that is directed to us.

God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you. All those things that happen while we're chasing our dreams have meaning. We have to keep them in mind as we go along.

Soooo - after I finish this delicious pizza, I've some thinking to do. And so do you! Go get your dreams!

Every human being has inside them something more important then him or herself - his or her GIFT.


Monday, August 23, 2010


Sorry I've been a bit MIA this past week. I just haven't really been in the mood for a new post. Just recently, I've been going to through a very rough time and I'm just barely coping. But I decided to give myself a pick-me-up and I found this little story that really gave the boost that I needed...

(from He Invites)

For thirty two years I have struggled with the pain, grief, and destroyed confidence that results from emotional abuse. "You'll never amount anything," was probably the most encouraging phrase my family ever spoke to me. I believed and suffered from it. It affected every area of my life, until I discovered the love and hope that is in Jesus Christ. I learned that I was created in the image of God (Genesis 9:6), forgiven all my sins (Ephesians 1:7), and adopted into the family of God (I John 3:1). The life I now enjoy is valued and eternal (I John 5:11). According to God's word, I am really somebody special. I no longer believe the lies of the enemy (Revelation 12:10).


Monday, August 09, 2010

A dreamer of dreams

By Gloria Jean Berry

You have come to me from a distant land,
Dreamer of dreams, to fill my hearts desire,
Sweet music flowing from your nimble hand,
That plays within... to light my passion's fire.

A symphony of word and thought you bring.
Excitement builds upon crescendo's sound,
Brought forth in tones to make my light heart sing
For all the beauty that, with you, I've found.

A life has changed in just an instant's time,
All darkness fled before that brilliant sun,
That shines from spoken words of softest rhyme,
And speaks of treasures, only just begun.

That mystic meeting gives my heart a glow
That few have seen and only you will know.


Sunday, August 01, 2010

My last month!!

Hello again.

Holy Moses, I can't believe that August is the absolute last month of my hiatus. As soon as September rolls around, I'll be a full-time college student woohoo! It's been a very long 12 months and I'm confident enough to say that I'm ready to get back into the REAL WORLD with a fresh mind and open heart.
I believe I've learned more about myself during this time, than at any other point in my life. It hasn't been easy though, I did shed a few tears in the beginning. Spiritually, I'm much more stronger. The most compelling individual I've met... Is my inner self. When you're able to connect with who you really are, everything starts to fall into place. Alright, I'm going to stop babbling before the water works come in haha.
Here is a piece of last month for yah.

I like... Kina Grannis' Stairwells album
I don't like... Sweat season (I mean *summer*)
I've planned... To read 'Chocolat' and get back into yoga
I want to say to someone special... It's never 'goodbye' or 'farewell'. It's 'we'll see each other down to road'
I've learned... That there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Little boy's consideration

One day, a little boy went to an icecream shop, sat at a table and asked the waitress, "How much is an icecream cone?" She said, " seventy-five cents". The boy started counting the coins he had in his hand. Then he asked how much a small cup of icecream was. The waitress impatiently replied, "sixty-five cents". The boy said, "I will have the small icecream cup". He enjoyed his icecream, payed the bill and left. When the waitress came back to pick up his empty plate, she was touched. Underneath were ten one cent coins left as tip.


Friday, July 23, 2010

M's Joyful Blueberry Muffins

I may not be the greatest cook in the world, but there's no doubt that my homemade baked goods will win anybody over. This blueberry muffin recipe is just one of my many specialties...

(makes a dozen)
1 1/2 cups cake flour
3/4 cup white/granulated sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg, room temp
1/3 cup milk, room temp
1 1/2 - 2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

Tips and tricks
*Cake flour: I use this instead of all purpose because it gives it more of a tender-cake-like texture. Cake flour contains a lower protein content (too much protein promotes the production of gluten which in turn can make your product tough) and hence makes a lighter muffin. Yum yum gimme sum!
*Room temperature ingredients: I guarantee you that if you ask any baker or pastry chef that using ingredients that all at the same temperature will make a better product. Adding ingredients that are cold or too hot will cause an unevenly mixed lumpy batter - a BIG FAT NO NO!! However, when you use room temp items in your products, you'll get an evenly mixed wonderful batter.
*For a 'room temp' egg, let it sit in a bowl of hot tap water for a bit. As for the milk, microwave it until just warm.

How to make the muffins:
1. Line a 12 cup cupcake/muffin tin with paper liners or spray with non-stick spray. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
2. Sift all the dry ingredients together in a seperate bowl. (cake flour, baking powder, salt, sugar)
3. Mix together the wet ingredients together in another bowl. (vegetable oil, milk, vanilla, egg)
4. Add the blueberries to the dry mixture and toss until the blueberries are just evenly coated.
5. Pour the wet mixture over the dry batter and fold until just combined. Don't over mix!
6. Fill each tin 3/4 of the way with blueberry batter. Bake for 18-22 min. The tops should be lightly browned and a tester inserted in the centre should come out clean.



Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life is Meaningful

by Unknown

The fact that you were born,
Is proof, God has a plan for you.
The path may seem unclear right now,
But one day you will see,
That all that came before,
Was truly meant to be,
God wrote the book that is Life,
That's all you need to know.
Each day that you are living,
Was written long ago.
God only writes best sellers,
So be proud of who you are,
Your character is important,
In this book - you are the Star.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

The list of all Lists!

I go about my day trying to meet expectations, trying to be everyone's friend, trying to be the best I can be... But sometimes I just need me time. I like to lay in bed, drink a cup of tea and read a book. If not that, I usually end up daydreaming. My daydreams are always the same - places I want to travel and experiences I want to have. I want to travel everywhere possible! I want to continue learning about who I am, and I truly believe you can do that by seeing the world. What's a better way to learn more about yourself than going to a foreign country where you are totally out of your element?

The assignment: I want you to make a list of all the places that you want to explore. Even if it's completely outrageous! They don't even have to be in order. Because I want to know more about - YOU. That's not all though, I also want you to promise yourself that you will travel to AT LEAST ONE of those places in your life time.

My ridiculously long list of places I want to see:

1. Thailand
2. Japan
3. Australia
4. Morocco
5. Kenya
6. Namibia
7. Zimbabwe
8. Jordan
9. Tibet
10. Nepal
11. Sri Lanka
12. Jamaica
13. Panama
14. El Salvador
15. Brazil
16. Bolivia
17. Ireland
18. London, England
19. France,
20. Barcelona, Spain
21. Italy
22. Santorini, Greece
23. Iceland
24. Switerland
25. Denmark
26. Canoeing in Coron, Philippines


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Living Well with Less

by Naomi Seldin of Simpler Living
I'm always researching ways for self-improvement, how-tos, and guides to living well. I stumbled upon the Simpler Living blog one day and I've read many of the articles on the there and I think it's brilliant. Naomi Seldin (the author) is totally rad. Using her own personal experience, she uses her blog to help readers with the art of organization, down-sizing, but best of all - appreciation. Heck, I've learned a lot myself! It inspired me to go into my room and finally rid myself of those things that were collecting dust. Stuff that may have been important then, but are certainly not important now. I came to find that minimalism doesn't have to be such a scary thing.

The woman also explains how she lost a freakin' 100 pounds worth of clutter, got more organized, stopped shopping out of boredom, and reduced stress... Wait! There's more... Here's how it goes according to Naomi herself:

De-cluttering takes time and effort, but for me, it all comes down to two basic steps:
1. Get rid of stuff you don't use.
2. Don't acquire stuff you don't need.
The whole theme here is that downsizing doesn't have to mean deprivation. Getting rid of clutter makes life richer in sooo many ways. I still have stuff, but by editing those possessions, I've weeded out things that I didn't use, need, or value.

Here are 20 reasons get rid of clutter

1.You'll lose 100 pounds without having to make a single trip to the gym.
2. If you ever need to move somewhere smaller - you can do it with confidence.
3. Your next move will be less stressful and less expensive.
4. You'll gain living space without having to move to a bigger house or apartment.
5. You'll never have to run out and buy something just because you can't find the original.
6. You won't be fooled into thinking it's a bargain just because it says 'sale'.
7. When you're bored - you won't automatically go shopping. Instead, you'll go hiking, meet a friend for coffee, start a new hobby, or help others.
8. You'll learn to say no to people when you want to buy something from them.
9. You'll think twice about paying someone else for storing things you don't use.
10. Taking inventory can be a good wake-up call. When you discover you own 10 pairs of that and three of this, you won't need more of either.
11. Instead of buying stuff you don't need, you'll be able to pay the bills, go on a trip or invest in something important.
12. Getting rid of clutter is like exercising a muscle: the more you do it the easier it gets. You'll become less attached to stuff in general, and become a smarter and stronger consumer.
13. 'Enough' 'Want' and 'Need' take on new meanings.
14. Dusting is a lot easier when you have fewer knick-knacks.
15. People will give you chocolate bunnies and cupcakes instead of knick-knacks.
16. Coming home will be relaxing instead of stressful.
17. You spend less time cleaning and enjoying your space.
18. You future children and other loved ones will have less to worry about when the time comes.
19. When you open your closet door, nothing makes you feel guilty. That pair of jeans taunting you since you lost your high school or college waistline? Those heels that hurt your feet but cost too much? GONE. Instead, you'll have a wardrobe that fits you.
20. You'll appreciate what you do have that much more.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Making Mistakes

Mistakes. We all make them. We're walking down the street feeling pretty dang good about ourselves when suddenly *trip* CURSES! The rock throws off your groove. Instead of shaking it off, most times we worry if anyone saw our moment of clutziness, mentally kicking ourselves for not seeing the dang pebble, or best of all - denial: "Rock? Rock? What Rock? I didn't trip, I didn't mean to do that." But really, who cares if anyone saw? Who cares if you tripped and you're clumsy? It's just who you are and you're awesome anyways! Why deny it even happening?
Mistakes are made to learn, so laugh them off and continue on with the adventure that we call life. The point is to walk, stumble, then look at the rock and say, "Nice try! Try to derail me did ya?! Well who's laughin' now punk! It's OK, I'll know better next time," and move on.

Now the Twilight thing is obviously cliche and highly overrated, but despite that - the movie had a graduation speech that was pretty inspiring. Here's how it went...

When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or my case, a princess. When we were ten, they asked again. We answered: rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well how about this: who the hell knows? This isn't time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love... A lot. Major in philosophy, cause there's no way to make a career out of it. Change your mind and change it again, because nothing is ever permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be, we won't have to guess. We'll just know.

Why are we always afraid to take a leap? Even if we plunge head first into the dirt, getting back up is half the fun. We all know that we can't really 'jump' over the moon, but trying is what really matters.

The greatest mistake that you can make in life is to be continually fearing that you will make one - Elbert Hubbard


Saturday, July 10, 2010

6 Easy Ways to Healthy Eating

By Everett Bogue of Far Beyond the Stars

The food we eat can evoke some of the most complicated emotions we face in our daily lives.

For millions of years, we've worried about not eating food that poison us. And this generation is by no means an exception. Now a days, knowing the 'dangerous' foods is a lot harder.

Have you ever noticed that the age old question, "What am I going to eat for dinner?" has become more difficult to answer?

Ten thousand years ago, we simply avoided things that tasted bad. But the modern age has introduced food science and these crazy marketing firms that are demanding our attention. We're now sacrificing what's right - for convenience.

I've stumbled across tonnes of articles, and books, and listened to nutritionists, food specialists...etc about food rules, what's good blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong, all that research has changed the way I think about what I put in my mouth.

So I thought it would be a good idea to share some ideas about what I've learned about eating. Perhaps it could help you too.
Here are six simple rules that I never break when I eat (I may have broken one or two on occassion, but bottom line...)

Don't eat anything that has a marketing department. If you've seen it on TV, in an ad, or magazine, represented by a celebrity face, chances are - it can't be good for you.

Shop the periphery of the market. All grocery stores are organized in the same way: veggies on the right, meat and dairy in the back, and grains on the left. ANYTHING in the centre is non-perishable. Meaning - THIS FOOD WON'T DIE. Too much of it will kill you, or just make you fat.

Don't eat anything that won't spoil. Canned junk, microwavable dinners, bread in a can, veggies in a can... The list is endless. Don't anything that won't go bad.

Set aside a significant amount of time for eating and shopping. A common concern I hear from many people is that they don't have time to eat. Which is why I think it's important to dedicate a certain time for shopping for groceries as well as eating. Shop often. Allow yourself to meander the store, check to see if the produce is fresh, and which ones aren't. Think about what you'll be making for dinner as you explore the store. My family shops for groceries at least once a week. Which I know isn't possible everywhere in North America. But at least give yourself an hour to cook breakfast and dinner every day. If you make food you enjoy, you'll eat less of it and appreciate it more.

Eat Fresh. There always so many great vegetables in the market. They're cheap and nutritious. We've been eating them for millions of years so we certainly know how to digest them. Try this: making 80% of your meals from fresh veggies.

Always sit down at the table and enjoy your food. I see waaay too many people sitting in their cars eating lunch, or at their desk with their meals. Make time to enjoy your food. Sit at the kitchen table before going to work and school in the morning. And eat with your family at night on the table. You'll enjoy food more, eat healthier, and catch up with family.


Friday, July 09, 2010

The art of Doing

In the chaos of the modern world, there is beauty in simply doing.
We're distracted constantly by whatever emails, conversations, news, events, demands that are going on around us. Our minds are a constant deluge of thoughts dwelling in the past, worries of the future - distractions pulling us in every direction.

But all of that melts away when we focus on doing.

It doesn't matter what the doing is: sitting, walking, writing, reading, eating, washing, talking, snuggling... By focusing on the doing, we drop our worries and anxieties, jealousies, and anger, grieving and distraction. There is something profound in all that simplicity. Something that is heart-rendingly breath-takingly beautiful!

You're in the middle of your day to today, and you're caught up in a sandstorm of thoughts, feelings, to-do's, meetings, readings, communications.

Pause. Breathe. Let it all fade.

Now just focus on one thing. Right now. Just choose one thing, and clear away all the other distractions. One more time, clear it all away. Turn off the internet. Stop reading this article (wait, read a couple more sentences then close the browser).

If you're washing a dish, do it slowly, feel every sensation. If you're eating a piece of fruit, taste it, feel the texture, and be mindful of your hunger or lack of. If you're writing something, pour you heart into it, become that writing - inhabit the words.

Just DO.

The rest of the world becomes meaningless. It's just you, and your doing.
And you realize: this is all that matters. In this, there is everything.

When walking, walk. When eating, eat. - Zen proverb.


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Normal Life.

Normal life. What happens between the exceptional moments of our existence. The fantastic trip, the job promotion, and the stolen moments with the love of your life. Amid those moments sits the normal life.

Let's face it - even celebrities have down time. As we are not celebrities, we have much more of the 'normal'. But what exactly do we do with it?

Do you now let the days between the peaks slip by in a blur? Or do we live life to its fullest, even if it's merely enjoying the first cup of coffee or tea to start the day?

If you just sit around waiting for the next great moment of your life, you might miss out on actually living. I think those extraordinary experiences that define our lives are much more remarkable when they aren't the only thing holding our life together.

Think of a vast fence. One that stretches farther than the eye can see. Holding the fence together are the posts that keep the entire structure sturdy and strong. Without the posts- the fence would fall. Without the fence, posts would have no purpose. And although it's the posts that stand out, neither works without each other.


Sunday, July 04, 2010

A little piece of me

Hello, hello.

It's about to rain in this city. I can feel it. (Well, that and there are grey skies outside - whatever!).

Anyway, Sunday afternoon, and I'm sitting here with a hot bowl of 'Ginataang halo halo'. A Filipino dessert soup made with coconut milk, jackfruit, plantains, and purple yams - yum yum gimme sum! Hahaha. Now seeing as it is Sunday, I don't think I'll be doing much today except moping around which is what I usually do. Nothing happens in my city on Sunday. Trust me.

Moving on, here's a little piece of me for the month of July:

Favorite dessert.... Chocolate cake
Favorite time of the day... 5:00pm
Favorite article of clothing... My faux leather jacket
Favorite Book... The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho
If I was a beverage... I would be iced green tea
If I could have any super power... It would be flying
Special abilities/ Hidden talents... The power of charm, the perfect latte, movie dialogue, song lyrics, and Wii Tennis


Saturday, July 03, 2010

Signs that show you are just down right Paranoid

Hi again,

Let's get straight to the post. I laughed out loud when I found this


You know you've been watching waaay too much crime tv when:

- You write down or photograph the badge number of every cab driver you take just in case your body is found dead, so the police can trace it back to the killer.
- When the food delivery guy comes to your place while you're home alone. So you turn up the tv and talk to someone who isn't there to make him think there is someone else in the house (therefore preventing him from attacking you).
- Keep a machete under your mattress to ward off intruders (convinced that you can actually use it effectively)
- Dream in the first person that you were in an episode of CSI and you're being chased by some idiot in a clown mask with a chainsaw
- Cross the street needlessly just to avoid a man that looks like DEXTER the serial murdering blood spatter analyst
- Hold you keys in your hand with the pointy end out thinking that you would stand a chance against an attacker with just a tiny piece of scrap metal.
- You're convinced that the guy at the dry cleaner is in the mafia and is laundering money using bags that carry your clothes in and out of the shop. Evidence: the $20 bill you found in your pant pocket
- Keep your hair cut short, despite the fact your guy prefers the Pam Anderson 'just sexed up' look so that no one can you from behind
- You make your man sleep closer to the bedroom door so that if an intruder breaks in and tries to kill you both he'll get killed first so you have the advantage of escaping.

There. Have a good laugh.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So, what am I really doing?

Hello, hello

Strange how returning to and writing this blog is a lot seeing an old friend after a long absence. At some point, one turns and says, "so what have you been up to all this time?" Of course, although these are words that can come out of anyone's mouth - they're not exactly what you mean... On the contrary what you really mean to say (and would like to say) is "Why haven't you called me?!"
I'm usually at a loss at this point because the true fact is, I haven't called you, and it's not because of any concrete reason. I can lie and say I was redecorating my bedroom, traveling the world, writing a book blah blah blah. Reality is it's just so mundane. I haven't actually been doing anything special - now THAT I refuse to lie about. I'm surprisingly very happy in my own company; not that I don't enjoy socializing. I'm usually an open-minded person for any kind of social event. I tend to love it once I'm doing it.
Here's a random coinciding fact: a report from BBC says that we're all much lonelier these days compared to our parents' generation. Facebook, Twitter, Texting...etc means that we're actually doing less of what matters to us. The act of meeting face to face, breaking bread with another, sharing our lives is such a rarity these days. Whatever happened to meeting up for coffee?
I'd sure as hell be lying if I said I didn't have facebook. Because well... I do. I think I'm quite lucky though because I'm not attached by any stretch of the means to that type of craze.


Friday, June 25, 2010

How to be a positive person in under 300 words

I'm a pretty positive person - I consider it one of the keys to creating success, good habits, and achieving goals. I mean people don't run marathons, quit addictions, eliminate debt, or quit day jobs in favor of starting a business without a positive mindset.

Positive thinking as trite* as it seams - changes lives.
I'm not going to try to sell you on it, but if you're interested, here's a condensed guide to changing your life...

(from zenhabits)

Realize it's possible, instead of telling yourself why you can't
Become aware of your self-talk
Squash the negative thoughts like a bug
Replace them with positive thoughts
Love what you have already
Be grateful for life, your gifts, and other people
Every Day
Focus on what you have, not on what you haven't
Don't compare yourself to others
But be inspired by them
Accept criticism with grace
But ignore the naysayers
See bad things as a blessing in disguise
See failure as a stepping stone to success
Surround yourself by those who are positive
Complain less, smile more
Imaging that you're already positive
Then become that person in the next act.
Focus on this habit first, and you'll have a much easier time with any other

*TRITE [trahyt] - adjective
Lacking effectiveness or freshness because of overuse and excessive repetition. Yes, trite is a word.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When Mom's Attack

"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever" - unknown

Like any human being on earth, I can attest that one of the most important people in our lives - is our mom. We're with our mothers from the very start of existence, the womb to adulthood. They stay with us forever. Not sure if I can speak for many, but I've found that mothers really are the most talented people we know (or in my case, *I know*). Mom's do it all, care for us, feed us, embarrass us, encourage us, and inspire us, but above all - LOVE US. A mother's love for her child is one that can't be matched with anyone else. You can love your car, your pet fish, or even your other half - but can we really say that we love them like our mom??

Anyway, I just thought all that schpeel would be a nice start to all this. The title on the other hand, "When Mom's Attack," does sound like a contradiction. Before coming into a brand new post I had this major flashback to the end of summer of last year. I've brought it up a few times on this blog that I decided to take a hiatus from school and work. Following my high school graduation, I had doubts about my future, and didn't have a clue of what direction I was going in. I became completely overwhelmed with all the options, and felt as if I were in a tight box that was closing in on me. With all the emotional gas that gave me, I fell into a depression. I was lost.

For a whole month, I'd wake up and just stay in bed - then fall asleep again. When I finally did get out of bed, I'd go downstairs to the kitchen hearing criticisms from my mother about what I was doing to myself, and how I was giving up a life that I had worked so hard for.

"Look at you, you're miserable,"
"This is not the life I'd imagine you having after high school,"
"How is not doing anything helping?"

- They were all rough words. I felt as though this was her method of trying to push me into something I didn't know anything about. It was no longer about what I wanted; it was what she wanted for me.

"I want what is best for you. I want you to be happy".
"But how can I be happy if you don't let me make my own decisions?!" I'd yell.

The more I was pushed - the more I resisted.
I couldn't swallow any of her words. It took me months to learn that life is in my own hands. I always told myself, you'll know when you're ready. Nine long months later - I'm ready. Those icky debates between my mother and I have sizzled since and are now long gone. If anything, now that I have full knowledge and passion of goals, she's become even more supportive.

In taking the time off that I desperately needed, the learning experience has been phenomenal. Mon Amour was always there for me to jot it all down and share it. I've realized that great things happen if you let the good in with the bad. That's probably God's way of helping us find truth and wisdom in life. After all, He does work in mysterious ways.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Reading is fuel for the mind - So what are you eating?

"You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read" - Charles 'Tremendous' Jones

I am living proof this is true. Lets see... Over the past decade and four separate two year periods, life has changed GREATLY - but mainly in the books I read and people I choose to share my time and energy with.

There was a time when my nightstand held teen magazines and silly written lifestyle articles that filled my mind with junk. Surely, I'm not the only one with that experience. During those days, I wasted moments surrounded by negative people, and drama-type individuals. Those who took pleasure in gossiping and trashing others, instead or taking a good hard look at what was really important with their own lives. But time moved forward and naturally, school separated us.

In my early teenage-hood I reached a proverbial turning point when my eighth grade teacher assigned a book report on any material that we ourselves could choose. I obligingly pulled out my expired-dust-collected-library-card and immediately had it renewed. I walk over to the young adult section of my local library, slightly afraid that the shelves filled with pages of stories by legit writers would fall over me. Keeping an open mind, I reach randomly at novels all around until I find a book that would suit me. I opened the book to the first page and I quickly realized how much I had been missing. I practically flew through the entire thing and ended up getting a B+ on the dang paper.

Though years have now flown by - Part of my life has never been the same since, and for that I will always be grateful.

Reading habits changed. Social habits changed. I found something I enjoyed - my flavor if you will ;). My world started to turn and blessings poured into and through me. It's been incredible really.
Every day I have to feed my reading addiction (yes, I call it an addiction because I am literally compelled to read whatever I can get my hands on). I find books at my local retailer, second hand shops... Places where I can find inspirational and uplifting material to fill my noggin.

What you choose to watch, read, eat, and talk about molds the life you live each day. Make life the blessed adventure you deserve by filling the mind, body, and soul with only the best of the best.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Make Today Delicious

Mother to Child: How was your day?
Child: Delicious!
Mother: Delicious?!
Child: Yup, delicious!
Mother: What was so delicious about it?
Child with a big grin: The sun was out so we played outside at recess, my friends laughed at my jokes, I got a hundred on my spelling test, my macaroni and cheese wasn't cold, and my strawberries weren't mushy... That's why it was delicious.

Make today delicious!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A little piece of me

Hi again. Do you notice anything different? That's right, I decided to take Mon Amour head over heels and give it a completely new look. Blogger has recently put up some new templates and I decided to take advantage of them. They've got some really neat designs, and tonnes of options. A bit something and anything for the quintessential blogger.

I found that my last lay-out was a bit out dated, and I wanted to add some brightness and more personal touches to it... So here it is - The new Mon Amour!
Enough rambling. Here is a little piece of me for the month of June 2010:

I like... The sweetness that summer brings, lot's of yummy fruit and dessert recipes I'd like to try out.
I don't like... The sunburns, and uneven complexion the sun gives the human body.
I want you to know... I'm ready to step out of my hiatus and get back to the busy life.
I've planned... Little get-togethers with a few friends.

I want to say to someone special... One big THANK YOU. For inspiring the better me, and lifting my spirit when I couldn't.

My current playlist
Signal Fire - Snow Patrol
Shark in the water - VV Brown
The Twist - Chubby Checker
More of you - Mozella
Things I'll never say - Avril Lavigne

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Who and What Truly Matters?


In my life I've gone through periods of driven productivity - times when everything just fell into place and all my goals just seemed to accomplish themselves. On another extreme, there have also been times when I've been completely overwhelmed, burdened by projects and responsibilities - frustrated not only because they challenged me, but they just didn't matter to me. There are days when I ask myself, how the hell did I end up here? How did I end up working on things that aren't who I am, and don't represent where I'm going?

Some things are extremely important to us, some that matter little - and some that don't matter at all. Here's a guide that may help - they discuss how to define and focus on what truly matters.

Break it down: The questions are a little deeper than we may expect, but when you take the time and patience to answer them - you might just be a bit thankful...

1. What does my life look like 10 years from now? Mentally time travel to the picture of where you want to be. This whole idea is even more apparent especially when you consider that we are after all, the product of where we came from. People, memories, and events have all shaped us into the person we are today. Similarly, looking 10 years down the road and imagining what we want helps us focus our energies today to make it happen tomorrow. If my future dreams are filled with me working hard and being successful - then that tells me that I need to focus on maintaining that diligence today.
2. What is my purpose? All of us have a mission in life. If we've determined our life's mission, it builds a foundation of where we should be spending our time. This may not be an easy one to answer because sometimes we believe that our life's purpose isn't in line with a "practical career" - but I disagree. There's no contradiction in using a career to pull ourselves from debts so we can be free for adventure etc... However there can be a disconnection because no matter how much money we make - it's not the most important to us.
3. What excites me? Sometimes we're a little scared to admit to ourselves what we really want to do, and who we really want to be because it's not popular, or it's not secure with the job that we already have. Deep down - we know what excited us. We know what gets our heart pumping, and what gets us to jump out of bed in the morning.
4. What can I let slide? There are never enough hours in a day to do everything - absolutely everything - that we have some interest in doing. There is, however, enough time in a day to do things that we are truly interested in, and that truly matters. Find what you can to let slide - then let it.
5. Do the consequences have meaning? All tasks and projects have consequences and outcomes. But the consequences, in and of themselves - don't even matter. What really matters, is what they mean to us. We fight, claw, and struggle down a path because others want us to see the rewards at the end, or simply because the reward itself sounds impressive. But if they don't mean anything to us, how can we be satisfied with what we accomplished? If something doesn't mean anything - regardless of how important it may be to others, or the impression it had made in the past - it's a sign to let it go.

Making Time: So the last questions dealt with finding out what truly matters in our lives - now the only thing to do is to make time for them. Here are some tips...

1. Do it first. Pick your three most important tasks (MITs) and do them first thing in the morning. Once you find what really matters, try taking care of it first before spending time on tasks that matter less to you. This method has been proven to significantly raise productivity in people. When you deal with your own goals in the morning before anything else, it's a nice positive start for the day and gets you line for what's next.
2. Schedule it in. Treat all the important appointments (like family) with the seriousness you would anything else in your life. It's a commitment to the future and what truly matters.
3. Treat it as an emergency. 'My life is booked back and forth with commitments - but when I had to go to the hospital to treat my appendicitis, none of my tasks got checked off for that day.' If we have trouble letting things slide, or aren't sure how to make time, then consider treating our life mission as an emergency. Let go of some important but unnecessary items off the schedule for the day. Spending each day on tasks that don't even matter are the days we can't recover - to me, that's an emergency.

We all know deep down there are different things that drive us - hobbies that excite us, passions we wish we had more time to explore, people we could spend more time with. I believe that identifying, focusing on, what matters to us isn't just an exercise.

Focusing on what truly matters, truly matters.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beauty Secrets

Since my last post not too long ago, 'My Favorite Things', I've been getting a lot of further questions about my beauty regimen and what not. The body, mind, and soul should always get plenty of TLC anways! The human body itself is not just a work of art, it's a temple. Mind you, I never spill secrets, but just for Mon Amour I'll make an itty bitty exception. Here we go...

Anyone who knows me knows that I have natural really thick wavy hair. Believe it or not, thick hair is actually more prone to breakage and dryness just as fine hair is. Thick hair also has more protein, which to some may sound great, but it also means that hair is less flexible.
For that reason I use Pantene Hair Products. They have a great line of hair care products for all types of hair (Fine-med-thick) and styling products too! All of which are great. I condition my hair every other day to help maintain moisture.
Now good healthy hair doesn't just come from what you're putting on it, it also comes from what you're giving it. It's cliche I know, but trust me on this one, when you eat well, you're body will repay you. It may just come from family roots, but I find that eating a lot of Fish really helps. I loooove seafood! I find myself eating it a few times a week. Everything from salmon, tuna, tilapia... All the good stuff. You should know by now fish ranks high on the vitamin and mineral scale.

Now I have sensitive combination skin ~ Oily in some areas and really dry in others. To take care of it I do the standard cleanse and moisturise daily. But to control oil and fight dry skin, I Exfoliate twice a week. When it comes to exfoliating, I prefer not to use any store bought products. Instead, I use home facials. Here are a few of my tricks: they're legit - trust me...
(I recommend doing this before bed time) I dampen my face with some warm-hot water to help rinse off any previous stuff that's on my skin. Then I take a cotton ball and dip it in some fresh lemon juice, I wipe it all over my face just like you would a toner. You can wipe on as little or as much you want. Then I take a little bit of sugar, and gently rub it on all over my lemon face. I like to be generous in the dry areas. After I'll wash it all off wish a teeny bit of cleanser and then moisturize. My skin feels sooo soft after I do this!
If you don't have any lemon on hand, warm green tea works to! And if you don't any lemon, green tea, or sugar, you could also try baking soda mixed w/ a bit of warm water ~ They all work the same.

To keep my body looking it's best, I use Olay Ribbons Body Wash. The best body wash I've ever used. Especially during cold winters, my skin tends to get a bit chapped (I know, weird!) so using that every day helps the moisture.
Another little secret of mine to keep my body in zeal is to drink a lot of tea. I'm a big tea drinker at that. Green tea, ginger tea, herbal teas - I'll have more than one cup a day.

I know this is cliche, but if you really want to look your best, and my babbling doesn't interest you. My suggestion is just EAT RIGHT, LIVE WELL. That's all there is.


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Age is just a number folks


As we get older, so do our anxieties. Often, the main source of those anxieties is just that fact itself - growing older.

"I'm barely 30 and I'm already seeing lines"... "Last time I checked, that flab was never there"... We moan and groan along each passing birthday, every landmark we reach, and so on. These days, we seem to have one eye on death, and just count down to it as the years pass by - fearing that we are running out of time. Truthfully, it doesn't actually work out that way. Why? Uuhm none of us actually know exactly 'when' we are going to die. Rather than complain that each passing year means we are closer to death, that we have one year less, shouldn't we rejoice that we survived death? That we have had one year more?
Age does bring with it physical and mental deterioration. Let's be real, yah can't run as fast anymore, climb the stairs that quickly, and finish those mental sums ....(Don't lie, we've all been there) BUT age does bring with it wisdom and experience, and an improved way at looking at the world.We should Revel in it.

Just because we get older, that doesn't mean our quality of life has to depreciate. It doesn't mean we have to stop learning, and certainly doesn't mean we have to be less happy. Studies have actually shown that happiness has no relation to age.

Seize the day, and live every moment. Your life is on your hands. And if there are some things that you wish you could do, but it feels too late, remember -

Better late than never. Better now than never.

Monday, June 07, 2010

My Favorite Things

*Singing-Voice*..... These are a few of my favorite things!....

1.) Breyers Cherry Vanilla ice cream. If I only had a bowl!

2.) Blistex Medex lip balm. My favorite lip moisturizer in the world, this stuff is the sh*t. The moisture locks in for hours, and I don't have to keep reapplying.

3.) Body Shop Aqua Lily fragrance. Definitely my pick for summer, it's fresh and inviting, and very natural. It gives me a bit of free-spirited confidence when I put it on. It's not overly powering and I always get compliments when I give people hugs.

4.) Body Shop White Musk fragrance. I wear this during evenings out. It's delicate and subtle (certainly not one I'd go overboard with) and very feminine. I also get complimented on this one when I come in for hugs.
5.) Vaseline Cocoa Butter Deep Conditioning Lotion. I tend to get a tanned complexion during the summer months, and to help even out my skin tone I use this. It's rich and fast absorbing. And cocoa butter does wonders on my skin.

6.) Avatar. Let's just say you're crazy if you haven't seen this movie.

7.) Sara Bareilles. It's been about 3 years since her last album, Little Voice, and when I found news on her website that her next work would be released this summer I couldn't wait. Her new single 'King of Anything' is so catchy! Look out for 'Kaleidoscope Heart'.

8.) Love. My favorite things don't necessarily have to be inanimate objects. But really, one can never have too much. I think that's one of my new mantra's ~ Love, love, love. As Bobby Shatford's last words from The perfect storm... "I love you now. And I'll love you forever. There are no goodbyes. There is only love. Only Love."


Sunday, May 30, 2010

A little less moping, a little more fun

The crazy 'rain-wind-followed-by-more rain-snow-rain-now-sunny' weather in my whack (just barely bearable) that we citizens call a city... Has finally stopped. But now that Little Miss Sunshine has rolled around I'm uber excited about what this season is going to bring. Optimistic and enthusiastic to start. Booyah.

What's next?

Food of Love and Where Rainbows End . I practically flew through my winter and spring reading lists (Everyone from Paulo Coelho to Danielle Steele) and now moving onto my summer reading list. Believe me, I read more than you can possibly imagine and I'm always looking for material that'll fill my mind apart from all that school work. It's my way of decompressing in what I like to call 'mindless entertainment'.
Operation getting back into shape. Let's be real - all those cinnamon rolls had to go somewhere! Getting my energy up is definitely one of my huge goals for summer. Whether it be volleyball, yoga, a light jog around the neighborhood.... I know it'll be good. Apart from that I think I can squeeze in a little Wii Tennis, which by the way I am awesome at. Ha.
Operation new wardrobe. My gnarly collection of argyle and wool sweaters seriously need to start collecting dust. So sad so sorry sweaters. I'm looking to 'brighten' up my colour palette a bit. I'm trying to veer away from the proverbial black this time around. No one wants to be Debbie Downer these days.
More Blogging - 'Nuff said.
Clean and Reorganize my bedroom. My OCD will take care of that sooner than I may expect.
BAKE. I've got all these wonderful recipes lined up and I can't wait to try them out. A savvy baker like myself finds peace and state of mind in the kitchen. I won't be making all those goodies just for me, gawd no! Sweets and homemade pastries make such tasty gifts.
Fun, fun, fun! My datebook is on happy fill mode - Birthdays, BBQs, social gatherings, and sun soaking. Woohoo!


My current playlist:
Closer to love - Mat Kearney
Valentine - Kina Grannis
Capri - Colbie Caillat
King of anything - Sara Bareilles
Rewind - Paolo Nutini
Break you heart - Taio Cruz

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feeling down? Get Happy, Dammit!!

The weather, work, and the size of our feet along with plenty of other things are BEYOND our control. However research has proven ('the science of happiness') that our mood is not one of them!
We have a large amount of control over our moods, and Doctors have proven that our spirits can be lifted in only a matter of minutes. Who wouldah thought? We're not slaves to our genes, and we shouldn't have to wait for someone to do something good just to make us feel better.

Let's talk numbers... A psychology professor at UCLA made a theory that 50% of our happiness is determined by genetics. 10% of that is affected by life circumstances. The other honkin' 40% just by daily thoughts and actions! Which is awesome considering this could lead us down a path of bliss.
If we put our minds to it, we can affect our moods just by changing the way we think. This idea's not a new one, it goes back 2000 years ago by Greek philosopher, Epictetus. Many psychologists are promoting this idea more and more these days. They refer to it as 'cognitive therapy'. And it's much more effective than antidepressants.
Now you sure don't need a shrink just to practice this, cognitive therapy that is. It's a simple activity, and heck I'll try it with you! The next time you're on your couch, try some of the following....

Be Curious. Inquisitive people are actually more likely to get pleasure and meaning on any give day. And no, Youtube-ing doesn't count. When you perform activities that are out of your comfort zone (especially those that require skill) you get so absorbed in the moment, it creates positive energy.
Think Fast. Depression is actually characterized by sloooow thiiiinkiing. Which explains that when you're brain is racing, we feel a boost. Next time - try reading a little faster, even when the content is boring. Studies show that people who read fast feel happier, more energetic, and even more creative.
Give Thanks. Gratitude improves your mood (just don't go overboard). Once in a while, jot down a few things that you're grateful for and you may feel a difference. Just remember that making this a chore won't make a difference.
Change your tape. Brains are like tape recorders - they can replay negative thoughts - and it doesn't do good to our mood. Try this: Write down negative thoughts you tend to have. "I look horrible". Then start asking yourself, does this have to do with my stress? Where did I get that from? Is it logical? Is it true?... That's when you can start reconstruction. It could turn to, "I don't look amazing, but I still look good."
Don't Dwell. Sorry Socrates, but the unexamined life is well worth living. Overly thinking about the past and worrying about the future can actually make depression and little bad apples worse. To break this cycle, distract yourself. Go for a walk or jog, get a mani, or even look at pretty pictures. Television doesn't count!
Act the part. When feeling down, meet up with friends. Having company and encouraging social relationships for ourselves is the greatest things we can do to achieve happiness.
Speak Up. Even if some of us are naturally shy, try being a little extroverted. More importantly: HAVE FUN. It makes a huge difference.
Talk to Strangers. Making an impression and being cheerful to someone we don't know is a safe way to improve our mood. You'd be surprised to find out that during a social experiment, peoples moods instantly lifted when people interacted with a stranger compared to someone they already know.
Shift your social network. Watch out for Debbie Downer, she's infectious!! Even if we get stuck with some really annoying people *cough* *cough*... *your boss* we can change this so we're surrounded by people we feel better around.
Get Healthy. No proof needed... When we eat better and exercise we instantly get a boost. Even a 10 minute outdoor walk is all we need to get benefits.
Drink Up. Dehydration makes us lethargic, and water restores energy.
Create a greenhouse a effect. When you can forsee a stressful period coming on, buy yourself some fresh flowers. Ladies, you'll be surprised at the results.
Do a good thing. Come on, do I really need to delve deep into this one?
If you want to be happy, practive compassion - Dalai Lama

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mat Kearney

Hey you,
yes you.
This morning I woke up and had a slight struggle getting out of bed due to continuing back pains (which I'm prone to thank you very much). Don't get all sympathetic on me now, let's just say my sleeping patterns haven't been well - consistent.
Walking around with a slight ouch and a hunchback is by any means NOT GOOD.
When people say that music cures anything... It's true. I was browsing through my awesome CD collection and out of random I decided to put on this guy ^, Mat Kearney. I then felt a hell of a lot better just by hearing the sound of his voice. If you have no idea who he is, well then .....Tisk tisk. His music's been played on Grey's Anatomy, One tree hill, NCIS, Kyle XY, Bones, Srubs, Dirty Sexy Money - just to name a few.
The Nashville bred gentleman (they're not all country down there) infuses his pop rock acoustic melodies with hip hop (a nice twist if you ask me) along with powerful and touching lyrics. While any individual would have their own interpretation of Mat's songs, majority associate his songs with Jesus Christ and God. Which is not at all debatable especially with singles; Bullet, Where we gonna go from here?, Wait for you, and the ever powerful All I need. All from his first album Nothing left to lose.
Mat since then pushed his creativity further with his most recent, City of Black and White. It speaks about journey, destinations, the people you meet and experiences that go along. "City of Black and White is kind of the next chapter; more refined. Classic..." he says.
The first single 'Closer to love' is very sweet and ear-friendly. Oh, I should mention that Mat's voice is strikingly similar to Chris Martin: Smooth and mellow. Boo yah.
And yes, Mat is how his actual name is spelt. His birth certificate says, Mathew, which is actually misspelled. His mom just never got around to correcting it. He has since always embraced having only one T.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

In the Middle

When people are in a debate or argument, there's always that one person they turn to (in my case. Me.) for an opinion. They ask you what you think about the situation, when really - they want you to pick a side.... As if they need back up.
Now lets just get one thing straight: I side with NO-ONE (Crazy, I know!). Before I go any further, for me this is natural. I was born under the sign of the Libra (the scales, goddess of harmony and balance) and I just happen to be the middle child (Coincidental? Destiny? Maybe.) I'm not one to argue/debate nor be involved in any fight. If anything - I avoid them.
I try to look at the entirety of the situation. See all perspectives every possible way. And you will find plus and minus' for every argument. And when one eventually does take a side, a whole new argument arises, and in the end someone WILL get hurt. Ya loose a friend, and gain a foe.
Hence, I stay away from fights.
On the other hand, when you don't support a side, you're labelled as disloyal. When in actuality, you just want to be neutral. From what I've learned growing up, arguments arise over silly things, and when it's all over it's not even important. My motto: Try to stay away from trouble. I don't like trouble. Even in my family (which can be hard to avoid with anyone) those problems will be solved on their own.... We're not pawns afterall.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Think About It

Here's a thought, if YOU are trying to be what everyone wants you to be, then when are you ever going to be YOURSELF?

When are YOU going to be who YOU want to be?
Some people say that you should be more like 'her' or 'him', why aren't you more like 'this' or 'that'? But the real question is, if YOU WANT to be more like 'him' or 'her', or 'this' or 'that'? Who is your ideal self? Not somebody elses ideal for you. Because they will never know what you truly want, you can't compromise yourself to please everyone.
If you always do what others want you to do, then there's never any time for what YOU want to do. Are you always going to be what others want you to be? Or are you going to be who you want to be? Because I got news for ya sister, if you're always trying to please others - you're going to fall short. Love yourself first, more importantly BE YOURSELF FIRST. Don't love pieces of you, "I love my eyes, but I wish I didn't have this muffin top" or "I love my wittiness, but I could live without my airhead moments." Love EVERYthing about you. The pieces make up who you are, and taking out one thing takes away some of your light. Love everything about you because there is only one of you.

To be you? Or not to be you? Now that's a question.
~From girlsbydesign


Friday, May 14, 2010

Kina Grannis

Once in a blue moon, something blossoms up from nowhere that makes a special impact on our lives. And today that special blossom came as KINA GRANNIS. Remember the name because I guarantee you I'm not the only one her music will touch....
Who in the willi-me-wonder is Kina Grannis?! Well I gave you a hint from the the word, music. She's a Californian singer-songwriter who is totally rad. Every month I'm always on the seach for new artists that I've never heard of. And whislt doing that I stumbled on Kina. I searched her up on youtube and watched her video for her single, Valentine. Her voice is almost like honey, so soft and delicate, you could listen to her all day. I then googled her and it turns out she had won a music contest which resulted in a recording contract, and then catapoulted her as an admired internet talent. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
Great artists don't just have a wonderful sense of musicality, they create lyrics that poke you a little deeper than you might expect. Their songs contain words that help you realize all the right answers. When your having a bad sucker day, their voice is the one you most want to hear.
Kina Grannis - Google her, youtube her, do what you need to do to hear this woman cause she is dang-well brilliant.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My New Misson

Where for art thou Mon Amour? ...Just thought I'd bring back good ol' Shakepeare haha.
Well I'm back from a no-posting phase again. So sad, so sorry! I thought now would be a good time to get back to ya since it's a beautiful day outside of my home, and I am for some reason in an excellent mood. The weather does after all, have an affect on a person.
Anyways, I celebrated Mother's Day last night with my wonderful mama. I have absolutely no idea who made it an official day to celebrate parents, but they sure well freakin' genius. And all mothers dang deserve it for what they put up with us! No matter what we do, they love us eternally regardless. To all Mom's out there, THANK-YOU for what you do! *big hug!!*

Now during these times, I've found myself getting more spiritual. By that I mean that I'm getting into a spiritual journey. I don't exactly know what the destination is but whatever it is, I think I'm heading into the positive path. I can't tell how far along I am simply because a journey is an adventure, and the best adventures never end.
This year-off has been filled with so many blessings, and I've learned soo much it's incredible. And learning is something that doesn't end, it continues and grows along with you. I'm so inspired and calm these days....Why? Well, here's how my philosophy goes:
1.)I simply take things one step at a time. Take things as they come and just go with the flow. Now-a-days I try not to turn things into something different. Accept things just as they are! My motto, 'If it's not broken, don't fix it, EMBRACE IT".
2.) Shrink that huge head down a few notches! Man oh man, people need to stop being so head strong. I understand the whole confidence thing, but the line dividing it from arrogant isn't very big. You can't live life feeling entitled! That attitude gets you nowhere (....from personal experience)
3.) Be compassionate. No special chemicals involved here. Listening to and helping someone instantly puts me in a good mood. Being kind and friendly has absolutely no price.
4.) JUST BE YOU. I would never pretend to be someone I'm not. I'm terrible at lying! Really this phrase is already overly redundant but it's true! The best person you can be is yourself. Like my mom once told me, 'Natural beauty is always in.'

Phew! Well there it is....The new lease on life. My Mission.


my current playlist...
Blue suitcase - Erin McCarley
Untouchable - Taylor Swift
Temporary home - Carrie Underwood
Shut up and kiss me - Orianthi
Hello Goodbye - Erin McCarley

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Long Time, No Posts

Clearly, I have neglected this blog for what, the past few months? But when a blog is your only method of connecting with your inner-self, those few months can feel like years ha. I believe the last time I posted an entry was during winter. Well it is now spring in the city, the sun is shining, and as for the white stuff - it's quickly starting to fade. The gigantic snow pile (like uber gigantic) that's been sitting in the front of my drive way is long gone, and all that remains is a small patch of melting slush. What that means for me is that I can finally park my car in its original space AND, I won't fall on my ass the next time I try to make it to the side walk.
Since the seasons changed, I've been doing a lot of uber thinking. With all this time to myself, that's basically all I do. Apart from that I'm obviously doing other little things. Take my word for it, I would name it "Living" haha. Anyways, prior to graduating school last year I made the executive decision not to continue further education and instead take a gap year. Following that time, I'll think about what I want to do. So beginning of August last year up until now I've been on 'vacation'. I'm not working, and not studying because well, that's what folks do on a vacation isn't it? More than that, it's a time when you don't have to give a damn about any form of stress, and the only thing that matters...Is You.
Now I can tell that the 'not working' thing probably alarmed you, but the reason why is because last summer I decided to leave to my job. Honestly though it was a long time coming. I was working for the same company for almost 3 years, and all those years of hard work began to look for a different opportunity. Not sure if that makes any sense, but if one thing should - when you're not happy, something has to change. Though my departure was made a positive one with the support I received from friends and family. Believe me, they really do come around when you least expect it.
Not too long ago I went out to look for another job, and now I'm just patiently waiting for a phone call. Hopefully it comes, but I don't want to get too hopeful.
Anyways, recently I finished reading a great novel titled 'Thanks for the memories' by Cecelia Ahern. The protagonist of the book, a young woman who has gone through a rough miscarriage deals with the stress through unexpected but poignant ways. As she deals with the grief of losing her first, she learns more about life but more importantly, herself. One of the things that caught my eye in reading the book was how the story mentioned this whole idea of embracing things just as they are. And when you actually take the time to just relax and think about it, you get to see just how special little things can be.
Bottom line: this vacation is just what I needed. These past months have felt like nothing I've ever felt before. Time has somewhat slowed down and things I've never bothered to notice have come up out of nowhere. It's surprisingly a bit fun. It's help my state of mind really. I'm much more healthier and oh forgot to mention happier. From now on I'll take things just as they come and go with the flow. One step at a time - day by day - and see where that leads me. I've thought hard about what I really want to do in the future, and one of those things is definitely pursue college. From what I know I'll be starting school next fall in September, and I'm not at all nervous, more excited in fact. But I don't want to think too much about the future and expect a whole lot cause that will just me a headache. I don't ever want to lose my zeal!
I get asked a lot if I ever get bored of just doing what I do. I always tell people 'never' because life is the ultimate adventure, and with that I'll never be bored. Ever.

my current playlist...
Best Days by Matt White
Slide by Rosi Golan
We are man and wife by Michelle Featherstone
Apple of my eye by Ali Slaight
Look for me by Chipmunk feat. Talay Riley
Be here now by Ray Lamontagne
So here we are by Bloc Party

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Bucket List

What would I want to do before I die? I can't believe I've never been asked that question! Anyways MTV just recently premiered a new documentary series (finally something far from superficial!) called 'The Buried Life'. 4 ordinary guys, 100 things to do. I watched the first episode just hours before and was just in awe. Living prove that no road is too long and no dream is too short. It seriously got me thinking.... Life is complicated but incredible, and if I could do whatever I wanted before I said goodbye, what would it be? Gosh there are so many things I want to achieve it's unbelievable. But if I had to narrow it down to my own little bucket list, this is what I want to do before I die:

1.) See the world! Planet Earth is honestly one of the most fascinating places ever. I hope to visit as many places as I can.
2.) Learn a different language.
3.) Go bungee jumping. I'll be truthful and admit I have a fear of heights. So if it's one way to overcome that obstacle, this might be it.
4.) Put a smile on a strangers face. Alright, so I've done it before, but I want to spread my happiness to others for as long as I'm alive.
5.) Tell someone "I Love You."
6.) Have coffee with someone brilliant, who has inspired and done great things.
7.) Give a less fortunate child the opportunity to experience this wonderful life just as I have.
8.) Tell my story to a complete stranger.
9.) Live this awesome life with as much integrity and determination as possible.
10.) Encourage others to do the same.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Tunes to tune out

So lately for some reason I've been really preoccupied, and very rarely do I say this, but I just don't know what to do with myself at this time. It is unfortunate, but it's obviously not a great way to start a new year. Normally I'm motivated and striving to succeed, but at this moment in time there's just been nothing. Nada. I'm kind of just coasting through life at the moment and recolecting, there just hasn't been any inspiration to draw from. I do consider myself to be a bit of a happy person, so to help get back to my happy place, I'm finding solitude through a new post. Well, it's a good first step for now. I also find serenity in listening to music. Listening to different melodies is one of my beloved great past times. Anyways for the past few weeks there have been a few songs that have allowed me to just mellow out. And bring me to a place that I can only dream of (my happy place). I find that the best songs are the ones that put me at ease, and give me some sort of peaceful feeling. Like Colbie Caillat says, "A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good."
Here they are, just a few of the tunes that help me get through it all.

Bubbly - Colbie Caillat The one song that I can listen to when I'm at home knowing I can't go outside do to unfortunate weather circumstances. It gives a rainy day some 'sunshine' just when you need it.
Just say yes - Snow Patrol After given notice that Snow Patrol was releasing a new album, their first promotional single was this. The lyrics themselves put me in a world out of reality......'Please take my hand. Just say yes. Just say there's nothing holding you back.'
Vertigo - U2 Always gets me pumped for a day that you know is going to be good.
The man who can't be moved - The Script I only recently became a keen listener to this Irish band. I've heard all their singles, and not one of them fails to give me coolness. The one song in particular always ends up being played numerous times on my ipod when I take a walk.
The Listening - LIGHTS The synth pop harmony is incredibly catchy, and again takes me out of stressful reality.
City Lights - Sara Bareilles Totally relatable lyrics. Living on your own in a huge city can have it's perks.
