Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So, what am I really doing?

Hello, hello

Strange how returning to and writing this blog is a lot seeing an old friend after a long absence. At some point, one turns and says, "so what have you been up to all this time?" Of course, although these are words that can come out of anyone's mouth - they're not exactly what you mean... On the contrary what you really mean to say (and would like to say) is "Why haven't you called me?!"
I'm usually at a loss at this point because the true fact is, I haven't called you, and it's not because of any concrete reason. I can lie and say I was redecorating my bedroom, traveling the world, writing a book blah blah blah. Reality is it's just so mundane. I haven't actually been doing anything special - now THAT I refuse to lie about. I'm surprisingly very happy in my own company; not that I don't enjoy socializing. I'm usually an open-minded person for any kind of social event. I tend to love it once I'm doing it.
Here's a random coinciding fact: a report from BBC says that we're all much lonelier these days compared to our parents' generation. Facebook, Twitter, Texting...etc means that we're actually doing less of what matters to us. The act of meeting face to face, breaking bread with another, sharing our lives is such a rarity these days. Whatever happened to meeting up for coffee?
I'd sure as hell be lying if I said I didn't have facebook. Because well... I do. I think I'm quite lucky though because I'm not attached by any stretch of the means to that type of craze.


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