Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feeling down? Get Happy, Dammit!!

The weather, work, and the size of our feet along with plenty of other things are BEYOND our control. However research has proven ('the science of happiness') that our mood is not one of them!
We have a large amount of control over our moods, and Doctors have proven that our spirits can be lifted in only a matter of minutes. Who wouldah thought? We're not slaves to our genes, and we shouldn't have to wait for someone to do something good just to make us feel better.

Let's talk numbers... A psychology professor at UCLA made a theory that 50% of our happiness is determined by genetics. 10% of that is affected by life circumstances. The other honkin' 40% just by daily thoughts and actions! Which is awesome considering this could lead us down a path of bliss.
If we put our minds to it, we can affect our moods just by changing the way we think. This idea's not a new one, it goes back 2000 years ago by Greek philosopher, Epictetus. Many psychologists are promoting this idea more and more these days. They refer to it as 'cognitive therapy'. And it's much more effective than antidepressants.
Now you sure don't need a shrink just to practice this, cognitive therapy that is. It's a simple activity, and heck I'll try it with you! The next time you're on your couch, try some of the following....

Be Curious. Inquisitive people are actually more likely to get pleasure and meaning on any give day. And no, Youtube-ing doesn't count. When you perform activities that are out of your comfort zone (especially those that require skill) you get so absorbed in the moment, it creates positive energy.
Think Fast. Depression is actually characterized by sloooow thiiiinkiing. Which explains that when you're brain is racing, we feel a boost. Next time - try reading a little faster, even when the content is boring. Studies show that people who read fast feel happier, more energetic, and even more creative.
Give Thanks. Gratitude improves your mood (just don't go overboard). Once in a while, jot down a few things that you're grateful for and you may feel a difference. Just remember that making this a chore won't make a difference.
Change your tape. Brains are like tape recorders - they can replay negative thoughts - and it doesn't do good to our mood. Try this: Write down negative thoughts you tend to have. "I look horrible". Then start asking yourself, does this have to do with my stress? Where did I get that from? Is it logical? Is it true?... That's when you can start reconstruction. It could turn to, "I don't look amazing, but I still look good."
Don't Dwell. Sorry Socrates, but the unexamined life is well worth living. Overly thinking about the past and worrying about the future can actually make depression and little bad apples worse. To break this cycle, distract yourself. Go for a walk or jog, get a mani, or even look at pretty pictures. Television doesn't count!
Act the part. When feeling down, meet up with friends. Having company and encouraging social relationships for ourselves is the greatest things we can do to achieve happiness.
Speak Up. Even if some of us are naturally shy, try being a little extroverted. More importantly: HAVE FUN. It makes a huge difference.
Talk to Strangers. Making an impression and being cheerful to someone we don't know is a safe way to improve our mood. You'd be surprised to find out that during a social experiment, peoples moods instantly lifted when people interacted with a stranger compared to someone they already know.
Shift your social network. Watch out for Debbie Downer, she's infectious!! Even if we get stuck with some really annoying people *cough* *cough*... *your boss* we can change this so we're surrounded by people we feel better around.
Get Healthy. No proof needed... When we eat better and exercise we instantly get a boost. Even a 10 minute outdoor walk is all we need to get benefits.
Drink Up. Dehydration makes us lethargic, and water restores energy.
Create a greenhouse a effect. When you can forsee a stressful period coming on, buy yourself some fresh flowers. Ladies, you'll be surprised at the results.
Do a good thing. Come on, do I really need to delve deep into this one?
If you want to be happy, practive compassion - Dalai Lama

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