Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Normal Life.

Normal life. What happens between the exceptional moments of our existence. The fantastic trip, the job promotion, and the stolen moments with the love of your life. Amid those moments sits the normal life.

Let's face it - even celebrities have down time. As we are not celebrities, we have much more of the 'normal'. But what exactly do we do with it?

Do you now let the days between the peaks slip by in a blur? Or do we live life to its fullest, even if it's merely enjoying the first cup of coffee or tea to start the day?

If you just sit around waiting for the next great moment of your life, you might miss out on actually living. I think those extraordinary experiences that define our lives are much more remarkable when they aren't the only thing holding our life together.

Think of a vast fence. One that stretches farther than the eye can see. Holding the fence together are the posts that keep the entire structure sturdy and strong. Without the posts- the fence would fall. Without the fence, posts would have no purpose. And although it's the posts that stand out, neither works without each other.


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