Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Age is just a number folks


As we get older, so do our anxieties. Often, the main source of those anxieties is just that fact itself - growing older.

"I'm barely 30 and I'm already seeing lines"... "Last time I checked, that flab was never there"... We moan and groan along each passing birthday, every landmark we reach, and so on. These days, we seem to have one eye on death, and just count down to it as the years pass by - fearing that we are running out of time. Truthfully, it doesn't actually work out that way. Why? Uuhm none of us actually know exactly 'when' we are going to die. Rather than complain that each passing year means we are closer to death, that we have one year less, shouldn't we rejoice that we survived death? That we have had one year more?
Age does bring with it physical and mental deterioration. Let's be real, yah can't run as fast anymore, climb the stairs that quickly, and finish those mental sums ....(Don't lie, we've all been there) BUT age does bring with it wisdom and experience, and an improved way at looking at the world.We should Revel in it.

Just because we get older, that doesn't mean our quality of life has to depreciate. It doesn't mean we have to stop learning, and certainly doesn't mean we have to be less happy. Studies have actually shown that happiness has no relation to age.

Seize the day, and live every moment. Your life is on your hands. And if there are some things that you wish you could do, but it feels too late, remember -

Better late than never. Better now than never.

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