Saturday, July 17, 2010

The list of all Lists!

I go about my day trying to meet expectations, trying to be everyone's friend, trying to be the best I can be... But sometimes I just need me time. I like to lay in bed, drink a cup of tea and read a book. If not that, I usually end up daydreaming. My daydreams are always the same - places I want to travel and experiences I want to have. I want to travel everywhere possible! I want to continue learning about who I am, and I truly believe you can do that by seeing the world. What's a better way to learn more about yourself than going to a foreign country where you are totally out of your element?

The assignment: I want you to make a list of all the places that you want to explore. Even if it's completely outrageous! They don't even have to be in order. Because I want to know more about - YOU. That's not all though, I also want you to promise yourself that you will travel to AT LEAST ONE of those places in your life time.

My ridiculously long list of places I want to see:

1. Thailand
2. Japan
3. Australia
4. Morocco
5. Kenya
6. Namibia
7. Zimbabwe
8. Jordan
9. Tibet
10. Nepal
11. Sri Lanka
12. Jamaica
13. Panama
14. El Salvador
15. Brazil
16. Bolivia
17. Ireland
18. London, England
19. France,
20. Barcelona, Spain
21. Italy
22. Santorini, Greece
23. Iceland
24. Switerland
25. Denmark
26. Canoeing in Coron, Philippines


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