About Me

Hi! I’m Grace. Yip. Grace. That’s me on the left.

I opened this blog as a means of documenting notes, thoughts, and other things for myself to share with others. I’ll begin by saying that my blog has never really had a clear direction much less a specific concentration in subject matter. One day I’ll be writing about something funny that happened, another I’ll be posting some creative writing, and then the next I’ll be sharing a recipe... See what I mean?

The name “For the Love of Grace” was just a result of me having fun with words. What makes it easy is having a name that is also a usable term. I’m accustomed to people putting it in sentences. Yet the funny thing is that it took me years to appreciate my name. But now I love being called Grace.

Simple. Timeless. And yes. Catholic.

Anyways. Here comes the meat of any About Me page. You might want to get something to sip on whilst reading mine ;)

I’m from Canada, and live in a city that is just an hour from the Rocky Mountains.
Due to the nature of such geography, I’ve grown to love the cold and hate the heat.
I’d much rather freeze my a$$ off than sweat bullets. 

I’m fresh out of college. Hurraaaaay :)
Now I am finally transitioning from dreaming to making things happen!

I believe the sky is the limit.
And I think success begins with motivation and believing in oneself.

Even though I discuss a lot about fashion, food, travel, witty banter, etc...
 Nothing fills me more than the love of faith and my family.
I know where my personal worth is.
And there is absolutely nothing in this world that could put a price tag on that.