Sunday, August 01, 2010

My last month!!

Hello again.

Holy Moses, I can't believe that August is the absolute last month of my hiatus. As soon as September rolls around, I'll be a full-time college student woohoo! It's been a very long 12 months and I'm confident enough to say that I'm ready to get back into the REAL WORLD with a fresh mind and open heart.
I believe I've learned more about myself during this time, than at any other point in my life. It hasn't been easy though, I did shed a few tears in the beginning. Spiritually, I'm much more stronger. The most compelling individual I've met... Is my inner self. When you're able to connect with who you really are, everything starts to fall into place. Alright, I'm going to stop babbling before the water works come in haha.
Here is a piece of last month for yah.

I like... Kina Grannis' Stairwells album
I don't like... Sweat season (I mean *summer*)
I've planned... To read 'Chocolat' and get back into yoga
I want to say to someone special... It's never 'goodbye' or 'farewell'. It's 'we'll see each other down to road'
I've learned... That there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.


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