Friday, June 25, 2010

How to be a positive person in under 300 words

I'm a pretty positive person - I consider it one of the keys to creating success, good habits, and achieving goals. I mean people don't run marathons, quit addictions, eliminate debt, or quit day jobs in favor of starting a business without a positive mindset.

Positive thinking as trite* as it seams - changes lives.
I'm not going to try to sell you on it, but if you're interested, here's a condensed guide to changing your life...

(from zenhabits)

Realize it's possible, instead of telling yourself why you can't
Become aware of your self-talk
Squash the negative thoughts like a bug
Replace them with positive thoughts
Love what you have already
Be grateful for life, your gifts, and other people
Every Day
Focus on what you have, not on what you haven't
Don't compare yourself to others
But be inspired by them
Accept criticism with grace
But ignore the naysayers
See bad things as a blessing in disguise
See failure as a stepping stone to success
Surround yourself by those who are positive
Complain less, smile more
Imaging that you're already positive
Then become that person in the next act.
Focus on this habit first, and you'll have a much easier time with any other

*TRITE [trahyt] - adjective
Lacking effectiveness or freshness because of overuse and excessive repetition. Yes, trite is a word.


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