Friday, May 14, 2010

Kina Grannis

Once in a blue moon, something blossoms up from nowhere that makes a special impact on our lives. And today that special blossom came as KINA GRANNIS. Remember the name because I guarantee you I'm not the only one her music will touch....
Who in the willi-me-wonder is Kina Grannis?! Well I gave you a hint from the the word, music. She's a Californian singer-songwriter who is totally rad. Every month I'm always on the seach for new artists that I've never heard of. And whislt doing that I stumbled on Kina. I searched her up on youtube and watched her video for her single, Valentine. Her voice is almost like honey, so soft and delicate, you could listen to her all day. I then googled her and it turns out she had won a music contest which resulted in a recording contract, and then catapoulted her as an admired internet talent. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
Great artists don't just have a wonderful sense of musicality, they create lyrics that poke you a little deeper than you might expect. Their songs contain words that help you realize all the right answers. When your having a bad sucker day, their voice is the one you most want to hear.
Kina Grannis - Google her, youtube her, do what you need to do to hear this woman cause she is dang-well brilliant.

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