Saturday, May 22, 2010

In the Middle

When people are in a debate or argument, there's always that one person they turn to (in my case. Me.) for an opinion. They ask you what you think about the situation, when really - they want you to pick a side.... As if they need back up.
Now lets just get one thing straight: I side with NO-ONE (Crazy, I know!). Before I go any further, for me this is natural. I was born under the sign of the Libra (the scales, goddess of harmony and balance) and I just happen to be the middle child (Coincidental? Destiny? Maybe.) I'm not one to argue/debate nor be involved in any fight. If anything - I avoid them.
I try to look at the entirety of the situation. See all perspectives every possible way. And you will find plus and minus' for every argument. And when one eventually does take a side, a whole new argument arises, and in the end someone WILL get hurt. Ya loose a friend, and gain a foe.
Hence, I stay away from fights.
On the other hand, when you don't support a side, you're labelled as disloyal. When in actuality, you just want to be neutral. From what I've learned growing up, arguments arise over silly things, and when it's all over it's not even important. My motto: Try to stay away from trouble. I don't like trouble. Even in my family (which can be hard to avoid with anyone) those problems will be solved on their own.... We're not pawns afterall.


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