Sunday, June 20, 2010

Reading is fuel for the mind - So what are you eating?

"You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read" - Charles 'Tremendous' Jones

I am living proof this is true. Lets see... Over the past decade and four separate two year periods, life has changed GREATLY - but mainly in the books I read and people I choose to share my time and energy with.

There was a time when my nightstand held teen magazines and silly written lifestyle articles that filled my mind with junk. Surely, I'm not the only one with that experience. During those days, I wasted moments surrounded by negative people, and drama-type individuals. Those who took pleasure in gossiping and trashing others, instead or taking a good hard look at what was really important with their own lives. But time moved forward and naturally, school separated us.

In my early teenage-hood I reached a proverbial turning point when my eighth grade teacher assigned a book report on any material that we ourselves could choose. I obligingly pulled out my expired-dust-collected-library-card and immediately had it renewed. I walk over to the young adult section of my local library, slightly afraid that the shelves filled with pages of stories by legit writers would fall over me. Keeping an open mind, I reach randomly at novels all around until I find a book that would suit me. I opened the book to the first page and I quickly realized how much I had been missing. I practically flew through the entire thing and ended up getting a B+ on the dang paper.

Though years have now flown by - Part of my life has never been the same since, and for that I will always be grateful.

Reading habits changed. Social habits changed. I found something I enjoyed - my flavor if you will ;). My world started to turn and blessings poured into and through me. It's been incredible really.
Every day I have to feed my reading addiction (yes, I call it an addiction because I am literally compelled to read whatever I can get my hands on). I find books at my local retailer, second hand shops... Places where I can find inspirational and uplifting material to fill my noggin.

What you choose to watch, read, eat, and talk about molds the life you live each day. Make life the blessed adventure you deserve by filling the mind, body, and soul with only the best of the best.


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