Monday, May 24, 2010

Mat Kearney

Hey you,
yes you.
This morning I woke up and had a slight struggle getting out of bed due to continuing back pains (which I'm prone to thank you very much). Don't get all sympathetic on me now, let's just say my sleeping patterns haven't been well - consistent.
Walking around with a slight ouch and a hunchback is by any means NOT GOOD.
When people say that music cures anything... It's true. I was browsing through my awesome CD collection and out of random I decided to put on this guy ^, Mat Kearney. I then felt a hell of a lot better just by hearing the sound of his voice. If you have no idea who he is, well then .....Tisk tisk. His music's been played on Grey's Anatomy, One tree hill, NCIS, Kyle XY, Bones, Srubs, Dirty Sexy Money - just to name a few.
The Nashville bred gentleman (they're not all country down there) infuses his pop rock acoustic melodies with hip hop (a nice twist if you ask me) along with powerful and touching lyrics. While any individual would have their own interpretation of Mat's songs, majority associate his songs with Jesus Christ and God. Which is not at all debatable especially with singles; Bullet, Where we gonna go from here?, Wait for you, and the ever powerful All I need. All from his first album Nothing left to lose.
Mat since then pushed his creativity further with his most recent, City of Black and White. It speaks about journey, destinations, the people you meet and experiences that go along. "City of Black and White is kind of the next chapter; more refined. Classic..." he says.
The first single 'Closer to love' is very sweet and ear-friendly. Oh, I should mention that Mat's voice is strikingly similar to Chris Martin: Smooth and mellow. Boo yah.
And yes, Mat is how his actual name is spelt. His birth certificate says, Mathew, which is actually misspelled. His mom just never got around to correcting it. He has since always embraced having only one T.

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