Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Living Well with Less

by Naomi Seldin of Simpler Living
I'm always researching ways for self-improvement, how-tos, and guides to living well. I stumbled upon the Simpler Living blog one day and I've read many of the articles on the there and I think it's brilliant. Naomi Seldin (the author) is totally rad. Using her own personal experience, she uses her blog to help readers with the art of organization, down-sizing, but best of all - appreciation. Heck, I've learned a lot myself! It inspired me to go into my room and finally rid myself of those things that were collecting dust. Stuff that may have been important then, but are certainly not important now. I came to find that minimalism doesn't have to be such a scary thing.

The woman also explains how she lost a freakin' 100 pounds worth of clutter, got more organized, stopped shopping out of boredom, and reduced stress... Wait! There's more... Here's how it goes according to Naomi herself:

De-cluttering takes time and effort, but for me, it all comes down to two basic steps:
1. Get rid of stuff you don't use.
2. Don't acquire stuff you don't need.
The whole theme here is that downsizing doesn't have to mean deprivation. Getting rid of clutter makes life richer in sooo many ways. I still have stuff, but by editing those possessions, I've weeded out things that I didn't use, need, or value.

Here are 20 reasons get rid of clutter

1.You'll lose 100 pounds without having to make a single trip to the gym.
2. If you ever need to move somewhere smaller - you can do it with confidence.
3. Your next move will be less stressful and less expensive.
4. You'll gain living space without having to move to a bigger house or apartment.
5. You'll never have to run out and buy something just because you can't find the original.
6. You won't be fooled into thinking it's a bargain just because it says 'sale'.
7. When you're bored - you won't automatically go shopping. Instead, you'll go hiking, meet a friend for coffee, start a new hobby, or help others.
8. You'll learn to say no to people when you want to buy something from them.
9. You'll think twice about paying someone else for storing things you don't use.
10. Taking inventory can be a good wake-up call. When you discover you own 10 pairs of that and three of this, you won't need more of either.
11. Instead of buying stuff you don't need, you'll be able to pay the bills, go on a trip or invest in something important.
12. Getting rid of clutter is like exercising a muscle: the more you do it the easier it gets. You'll become less attached to stuff in general, and become a smarter and stronger consumer.
13. 'Enough' 'Want' and 'Need' take on new meanings.
14. Dusting is a lot easier when you have fewer knick-knacks.
15. People will give you chocolate bunnies and cupcakes instead of knick-knacks.
16. Coming home will be relaxing instead of stressful.
17. You spend less time cleaning and enjoying your space.
18. You future children and other loved ones will have less to worry about when the time comes.
19. When you open your closet door, nothing makes you feel guilty. That pair of jeans taunting you since you lost your high school or college waistline? Those heels that hurt your feet but cost too much? GONE. Instead, you'll have a wardrobe that fits you.
20. You'll appreciate what you do have that much more.


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