Monday, May 10, 2010

My New Misson

Where for art thou Mon Amour? ...Just thought I'd bring back good ol' Shakepeare haha.
Well I'm back from a no-posting phase again. So sad, so sorry! I thought now would be a good time to get back to ya since it's a beautiful day outside of my home, and I am for some reason in an excellent mood. The weather does after all, have an affect on a person.
Anyways, I celebrated Mother's Day last night with my wonderful mama. I have absolutely no idea who made it an official day to celebrate parents, but they sure well freakin' genius. And all mothers dang deserve it for what they put up with us! No matter what we do, they love us eternally regardless. To all Mom's out there, THANK-YOU for what you do! *big hug!!*

Now during these times, I've found myself getting more spiritual. By that I mean that I'm getting into a spiritual journey. I don't exactly know what the destination is but whatever it is, I think I'm heading into the positive path. I can't tell how far along I am simply because a journey is an adventure, and the best adventures never end.
This year-off has been filled with so many blessings, and I've learned soo much it's incredible. And learning is something that doesn't end, it continues and grows along with you. I'm so inspired and calm these days....Why? Well, here's how my philosophy goes:
1.)I simply take things one step at a time. Take things as they come and just go with the flow. Now-a-days I try not to turn things into something different. Accept things just as they are! My motto, 'If it's not broken, don't fix it, EMBRACE IT".
2.) Shrink that huge head down a few notches! Man oh man, people need to stop being so head strong. I understand the whole confidence thing, but the line dividing it from arrogant isn't very big. You can't live life feeling entitled! That attitude gets you nowhere (....from personal experience)
3.) Be compassionate. No special chemicals involved here. Listening to and helping someone instantly puts me in a good mood. Being kind and friendly has absolutely no price.
4.) JUST BE YOU. I would never pretend to be someone I'm not. I'm terrible at lying! Really this phrase is already overly redundant but it's true! The best person you can be is yourself. Like my mom once told me, 'Natural beauty is always in.'

Phew! Well there it is....The new lease on life. My Mission.


my current playlist...
Blue suitcase - Erin McCarley
Untouchable - Taylor Swift
Temporary home - Carrie Underwood
Shut up and kiss me - Orianthi
Hello Goodbye - Erin McCarley

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