Saturday, July 10, 2010

6 Easy Ways to Healthy Eating

By Everett Bogue of Far Beyond the Stars

The food we eat can evoke some of the most complicated emotions we face in our daily lives.

For millions of years, we've worried about not eating food that poison us. And this generation is by no means an exception. Now a days, knowing the 'dangerous' foods is a lot harder.

Have you ever noticed that the age old question, "What am I going to eat for dinner?" has become more difficult to answer?

Ten thousand years ago, we simply avoided things that tasted bad. But the modern age has introduced food science and these crazy marketing firms that are demanding our attention. We're now sacrificing what's right - for convenience.

I've stumbled across tonnes of articles, and books, and listened to nutritionists, food specialists...etc about food rules, what's good blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong, all that research has changed the way I think about what I put in my mouth.

So I thought it would be a good idea to share some ideas about what I've learned about eating. Perhaps it could help you too.
Here are six simple rules that I never break when I eat (I may have broken one or two on occassion, but bottom line...)

Don't eat anything that has a marketing department. If you've seen it on TV, in an ad, or magazine, represented by a celebrity face, chances are - it can't be good for you.

Shop the periphery of the market. All grocery stores are organized in the same way: veggies on the right, meat and dairy in the back, and grains on the left. ANYTHING in the centre is non-perishable. Meaning - THIS FOOD WON'T DIE. Too much of it will kill you, or just make you fat.

Don't eat anything that won't spoil. Canned junk, microwavable dinners, bread in a can, veggies in a can... The list is endless. Don't anything that won't go bad.

Set aside a significant amount of time for eating and shopping. A common concern I hear from many people is that they don't have time to eat. Which is why I think it's important to dedicate a certain time for shopping for groceries as well as eating. Shop often. Allow yourself to meander the store, check to see if the produce is fresh, and which ones aren't. Think about what you'll be making for dinner as you explore the store. My family shops for groceries at least once a week. Which I know isn't possible everywhere in North America. But at least give yourself an hour to cook breakfast and dinner every day. If you make food you enjoy, you'll eat less of it and appreciate it more.

Eat Fresh. There always so many great vegetables in the market. They're cheap and nutritious. We've been eating them for millions of years so we certainly know how to digest them. Try this: making 80% of your meals from fresh veggies.

Always sit down at the table and enjoy your food. I see waaay too many people sitting in their cars eating lunch, or at their desk with their meals. Make time to enjoy your food. Sit at the kitchen table before going to work and school in the morning. And eat with your family at night on the table. You'll enjoy food more, eat healthier, and catch up with family.


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