
Is writing a talent or a skill? It’s one of those non-questions that don’t exactly have any real answers. There is writing that needs nothing more than skill. Others that need talent. Talent is a thing of practice and patience, while skills are something we’re all born with. Yet talent is useless without the skills to develop it. It’s possible to be really great at something through learning and practice. But without necessary talent we’ll never go beyond our proficiencies. Thus what makes what we’re good at memorable.

If a talent for writing actually exists, I am not completely certain if I have it.
But I do have the patience and time to practice.
Given that I don’t believe I’m held back by a lack of talent.
Still if I keep at it and work diligently and honestly, I’ll be writer I want to be.
Of course the goal may be out of reach...
It could be an endless task
Then again,
Sometimes those are the best kinds.

Who Is She? 

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