Sunday, May 16, 2010

Think About It

Here's a thought, if YOU are trying to be what everyone wants you to be, then when are you ever going to be YOURSELF?

When are YOU going to be who YOU want to be?
Some people say that you should be more like 'her' or 'him', why aren't you more like 'this' or 'that'? But the real question is, if YOU WANT to be more like 'him' or 'her', or 'this' or 'that'? Who is your ideal self? Not somebody elses ideal for you. Because they will never know what you truly want, you can't compromise yourself to please everyone.
If you always do what others want you to do, then there's never any time for what YOU want to do. Are you always going to be what others want you to be? Or are you going to be who you want to be? Because I got news for ya sister, if you're always trying to please others - you're going to fall short. Love yourself first, more importantly BE YOURSELF FIRST. Don't love pieces of you, "I love my eyes, but I wish I didn't have this muffin top" or "I love my wittiness, but I could live without my airhead moments." Love EVERYthing about you. The pieces make up who you are, and taking out one thing takes away some of your light. Love everything about you because there is only one of you.

To be you? Or not to be you? Now that's a question.
~From girlsbydesign


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