Sunday, May 30, 2010

A little less moping, a little more fun

The crazy 'rain-wind-followed-by-more rain-snow-rain-now-sunny' weather in my whack (just barely bearable) that we citizens call a city... Has finally stopped. But now that Little Miss Sunshine has rolled around I'm uber excited about what this season is going to bring. Optimistic and enthusiastic to start. Booyah.

What's next?

Food of Love and Where Rainbows End . I practically flew through my winter and spring reading lists (Everyone from Paulo Coelho to Danielle Steele) and now moving onto my summer reading list. Believe me, I read more than you can possibly imagine and I'm always looking for material that'll fill my mind apart from all that school work. It's my way of decompressing in what I like to call 'mindless entertainment'.
Operation getting back into shape. Let's be real - all those cinnamon rolls had to go somewhere! Getting my energy up is definitely one of my huge goals for summer. Whether it be volleyball, yoga, a light jog around the neighborhood.... I know it'll be good. Apart from that I think I can squeeze in a little Wii Tennis, which by the way I am awesome at. Ha.
Operation new wardrobe. My gnarly collection of argyle and wool sweaters seriously need to start collecting dust. So sad so sorry sweaters. I'm looking to 'brighten' up my colour palette a bit. I'm trying to veer away from the proverbial black this time around. No one wants to be Debbie Downer these days.
More Blogging - 'Nuff said.
Clean and Reorganize my bedroom. My OCD will take care of that sooner than I may expect.
BAKE. I've got all these wonderful recipes lined up and I can't wait to try them out. A savvy baker like myself finds peace and state of mind in the kitchen. I won't be making all those goodies just for me, gawd no! Sweets and homemade pastries make such tasty gifts.
Fun, fun, fun! My datebook is on happy fill mode - Birthdays, BBQs, social gatherings, and sun soaking. Woohoo!


My current playlist:
Closer to love - Mat Kearney
Valentine - Kina Grannis
Capri - Colbie Caillat
King of anything - Sara Bareilles
Rewind - Paolo Nutini
Break you heart - Taio Cruz

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feeling down? Get Happy, Dammit!!

The weather, work, and the size of our feet along with plenty of other things are BEYOND our control. However research has proven ('the science of happiness') that our mood is not one of them!
We have a large amount of control over our moods, and Doctors have proven that our spirits can be lifted in only a matter of minutes. Who wouldah thought? We're not slaves to our genes, and we shouldn't have to wait for someone to do something good just to make us feel better.

Let's talk numbers... A psychology professor at UCLA made a theory that 50% of our happiness is determined by genetics. 10% of that is affected by life circumstances. The other honkin' 40% just by daily thoughts and actions! Which is awesome considering this could lead us down a path of bliss.
If we put our minds to it, we can affect our moods just by changing the way we think. This idea's not a new one, it goes back 2000 years ago by Greek philosopher, Epictetus. Many psychologists are promoting this idea more and more these days. They refer to it as 'cognitive therapy'. And it's much more effective than antidepressants.
Now you sure don't need a shrink just to practice this, cognitive therapy that is. It's a simple activity, and heck I'll try it with you! The next time you're on your couch, try some of the following....

Be Curious. Inquisitive people are actually more likely to get pleasure and meaning on any give day. And no, Youtube-ing doesn't count. When you perform activities that are out of your comfort zone (especially those that require skill) you get so absorbed in the moment, it creates positive energy.
Think Fast. Depression is actually characterized by sloooow thiiiinkiing. Which explains that when you're brain is racing, we feel a boost. Next time - try reading a little faster, even when the content is boring. Studies show that people who read fast feel happier, more energetic, and even more creative.
Give Thanks. Gratitude improves your mood (just don't go overboard). Once in a while, jot down a few things that you're grateful for and you may feel a difference. Just remember that making this a chore won't make a difference.
Change your tape. Brains are like tape recorders - they can replay negative thoughts - and it doesn't do good to our mood. Try this: Write down negative thoughts you tend to have. "I look horrible". Then start asking yourself, does this have to do with my stress? Where did I get that from? Is it logical? Is it true?... That's when you can start reconstruction. It could turn to, "I don't look amazing, but I still look good."
Don't Dwell. Sorry Socrates, but the unexamined life is well worth living. Overly thinking about the past and worrying about the future can actually make depression and little bad apples worse. To break this cycle, distract yourself. Go for a walk or jog, get a mani, or even look at pretty pictures. Television doesn't count!
Act the part. When feeling down, meet up with friends. Having company and encouraging social relationships for ourselves is the greatest things we can do to achieve happiness.
Speak Up. Even if some of us are naturally shy, try being a little extroverted. More importantly: HAVE FUN. It makes a huge difference.
Talk to Strangers. Making an impression and being cheerful to someone we don't know is a safe way to improve our mood. You'd be surprised to find out that during a social experiment, peoples moods instantly lifted when people interacted with a stranger compared to someone they already know.
Shift your social network. Watch out for Debbie Downer, she's infectious!! Even if we get stuck with some really annoying people *cough* *cough*... *your boss* we can change this so we're surrounded by people we feel better around.
Get Healthy. No proof needed... When we eat better and exercise we instantly get a boost. Even a 10 minute outdoor walk is all we need to get benefits.
Drink Up. Dehydration makes us lethargic, and water restores energy.
Create a greenhouse a effect. When you can forsee a stressful period coming on, buy yourself some fresh flowers. Ladies, you'll be surprised at the results.
Do a good thing. Come on, do I really need to delve deep into this one?
If you want to be happy, practive compassion - Dalai Lama

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mat Kearney

Hey you,
yes you.
This morning I woke up and had a slight struggle getting out of bed due to continuing back pains (which I'm prone to thank you very much). Don't get all sympathetic on me now, let's just say my sleeping patterns haven't been well - consistent.
Walking around with a slight ouch and a hunchback is by any means NOT GOOD.
When people say that music cures anything... It's true. I was browsing through my awesome CD collection and out of random I decided to put on this guy ^, Mat Kearney. I then felt a hell of a lot better just by hearing the sound of his voice. If you have no idea who he is, well then .....Tisk tisk. His music's been played on Grey's Anatomy, One tree hill, NCIS, Kyle XY, Bones, Srubs, Dirty Sexy Money - just to name a few.
The Nashville bred gentleman (they're not all country down there) infuses his pop rock acoustic melodies with hip hop (a nice twist if you ask me) along with powerful and touching lyrics. While any individual would have their own interpretation of Mat's songs, majority associate his songs with Jesus Christ and God. Which is not at all debatable especially with singles; Bullet, Where we gonna go from here?, Wait for you, and the ever powerful All I need. All from his first album Nothing left to lose.
Mat since then pushed his creativity further with his most recent, City of Black and White. It speaks about journey, destinations, the people you meet and experiences that go along. "City of Black and White is kind of the next chapter; more refined. Classic..." he says.
The first single 'Closer to love' is very sweet and ear-friendly. Oh, I should mention that Mat's voice is strikingly similar to Chris Martin: Smooth and mellow. Boo yah.
And yes, Mat is how his actual name is spelt. His birth certificate says, Mathew, which is actually misspelled. His mom just never got around to correcting it. He has since always embraced having only one T.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

In the Middle

When people are in a debate or argument, there's always that one person they turn to (in my case. Me.) for an opinion. They ask you what you think about the situation, when really - they want you to pick a side.... As if they need back up.
Now lets just get one thing straight: I side with NO-ONE (Crazy, I know!). Before I go any further, for me this is natural. I was born under the sign of the Libra (the scales, goddess of harmony and balance) and I just happen to be the middle child (Coincidental? Destiny? Maybe.) I'm not one to argue/debate nor be involved in any fight. If anything - I avoid them.
I try to look at the entirety of the situation. See all perspectives every possible way. And you will find plus and minus' for every argument. And when one eventually does take a side, a whole new argument arises, and in the end someone WILL get hurt. Ya loose a friend, and gain a foe.
Hence, I stay away from fights.
On the other hand, when you don't support a side, you're labelled as disloyal. When in actuality, you just want to be neutral. From what I've learned growing up, arguments arise over silly things, and when it's all over it's not even important. My motto: Try to stay away from trouble. I don't like trouble. Even in my family (which can be hard to avoid with anyone) those problems will be solved on their own.... We're not pawns afterall.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Think About It

Here's a thought, if YOU are trying to be what everyone wants you to be, then when are you ever going to be YOURSELF?

When are YOU going to be who YOU want to be?
Some people say that you should be more like 'her' or 'him', why aren't you more like 'this' or 'that'? But the real question is, if YOU WANT to be more like 'him' or 'her', or 'this' or 'that'? Who is your ideal self? Not somebody elses ideal for you. Because they will never know what you truly want, you can't compromise yourself to please everyone.
If you always do what others want you to do, then there's never any time for what YOU want to do. Are you always going to be what others want you to be? Or are you going to be who you want to be? Because I got news for ya sister, if you're always trying to please others - you're going to fall short. Love yourself first, more importantly BE YOURSELF FIRST. Don't love pieces of you, "I love my eyes, but I wish I didn't have this muffin top" or "I love my wittiness, but I could live without my airhead moments." Love EVERYthing about you. The pieces make up who you are, and taking out one thing takes away some of your light. Love everything about you because there is only one of you.

To be you? Or not to be you? Now that's a question.
~From girlsbydesign


Friday, May 14, 2010

Kina Grannis

Once in a blue moon, something blossoms up from nowhere that makes a special impact on our lives. And today that special blossom came as KINA GRANNIS. Remember the name because I guarantee you I'm not the only one her music will touch....
Who in the willi-me-wonder is Kina Grannis?! Well I gave you a hint from the the word, music. She's a Californian singer-songwriter who is totally rad. Every month I'm always on the seach for new artists that I've never heard of. And whislt doing that I stumbled on Kina. I searched her up on youtube and watched her video for her single, Valentine. Her voice is almost like honey, so soft and delicate, you could listen to her all day. I then googled her and it turns out she had won a music contest which resulted in a recording contract, and then catapoulted her as an admired internet talent. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
Great artists don't just have a wonderful sense of musicality, they create lyrics that poke you a little deeper than you might expect. Their songs contain words that help you realize all the right answers. When your having a bad sucker day, their voice is the one you most want to hear.
Kina Grannis - Google her, youtube her, do what you need to do to hear this woman cause she is dang-well brilliant.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My New Misson

Where for art thou Mon Amour? ...Just thought I'd bring back good ol' Shakepeare haha.
Well I'm back from a no-posting phase again. So sad, so sorry! I thought now would be a good time to get back to ya since it's a beautiful day outside of my home, and I am for some reason in an excellent mood. The weather does after all, have an affect on a person.
Anyways, I celebrated Mother's Day last night with my wonderful mama. I have absolutely no idea who made it an official day to celebrate parents, but they sure well freakin' genius. And all mothers dang deserve it for what they put up with us! No matter what we do, they love us eternally regardless. To all Mom's out there, THANK-YOU for what you do! *big hug!!*

Now during these times, I've found myself getting more spiritual. By that I mean that I'm getting into a spiritual journey. I don't exactly know what the destination is but whatever it is, I think I'm heading into the positive path. I can't tell how far along I am simply because a journey is an adventure, and the best adventures never end.
This year-off has been filled with so many blessings, and I've learned soo much it's incredible. And learning is something that doesn't end, it continues and grows along with you. I'm so inspired and calm these days....Why? Well, here's how my philosophy goes:
1.)I simply take things one step at a time. Take things as they come and just go with the flow. Now-a-days I try not to turn things into something different. Accept things just as they are! My motto, 'If it's not broken, don't fix it, EMBRACE IT".
2.) Shrink that huge head down a few notches! Man oh man, people need to stop being so head strong. I understand the whole confidence thing, but the line dividing it from arrogant isn't very big. You can't live life feeling entitled! That attitude gets you nowhere (....from personal experience)
3.) Be compassionate. No special chemicals involved here. Listening to and helping someone instantly puts me in a good mood. Being kind and friendly has absolutely no price.
4.) JUST BE YOU. I would never pretend to be someone I'm not. I'm terrible at lying! Really this phrase is already overly redundant but it's true! The best person you can be is yourself. Like my mom once told me, 'Natural beauty is always in.'

Phew! Well there it is....The new lease on life. My Mission.


my current playlist...
Blue suitcase - Erin McCarley
Untouchable - Taylor Swift
Temporary home - Carrie Underwood
Shut up and kiss me - Orianthi
Hello Goodbye - Erin McCarley