Sunday, May 08, 2011

Part 2 - Her life and so on....

With her career in communications, she would have a several month stay in the country on behalf of the firm in order to meet and work with numerous clients of theirs. She was career driven, motivated, and passionate about what she was doing in life. Back home she had a quiet life, a nice place of her own, that was independent of her family. Coming from a working class background, she took pride in working hard and dedicating to her goals to meet accomplishments. A great deal of that was instilled in her by her mum and dad. Everything up to that point in her life she had earned, and others were aware of it. Some are even in awe as to how far she’s made it and how quickly since her graduation from a small college. Upon graduation, she was enthusiastic about becoming part of the real world and getting a position for herself. With the right referrals and her own passion, she humbly climbed the hills to success. 

She was a busy working lady. Her career was her baby. And she thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Coming to work every day was and had never been a burden. In her case, her professional life was really her only life. She normally withheld from watching television, reading silly magazines (that is, ‘silly’ by her own words), and hearing about the news because from her perspective the reality of chaos in the world took away from her own peaceful reality. Of course she had a wonderful group of friends and family that she spent the time she could with, though everyone who had gotten to know her knew they could never really be as important to her as her job. To some that seemed selfishly career obsessed. Regardless, people respected her and looked up to her. She was considered one of the examples at the offices; hardworking, sophisticated, reliable, and down to earth. Everyone had a warm liking towards her. The few that felt the opposite were often driven by envy and their own self righteousness. Her opposition, without a doubt had to face the defense and vindication of those that cared for her.

… The night of their first encounter, despite the massive gap in social differences and her cluelessness to whom the man really was (she made the assumption he worked in litigation), they both had a genuine and friendly interest in each other. He found her very easy to talk to, and he could tell that she wasn’t talking to him just because of a well-known fact. He was even more delighted to be discussing one another’s motherland. He with this tan skin and native Kiwi accent, and she with her exotic Asian looks and Canadian accent, their cultural differences had made for a very sincere discussion that night.

The woman couldn’t help but notice the looks guests were giving this man. She could sense a few whispers going on about something, although she didn’t bother to give concern because she was seldom busy letting her mind and eyes wander around the lounge décor. The few other strangers settled at the bar at some point suddenly started acting in a jovial manner. And it certainly wasn’t because of the alcohol. It had been as if someone in the room was giving off some sort of strange ambiance simply because of their presence. She knew it was because of him. But what was so special about this guy? Well, setting aside from his magnetic good looks and impeccable style.