Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Part One - First Impressions

There she was. With both little surprise and slight embarrassment she was staring at her own image. An image captured by some ruthless photographer, which was now published for the entire nation to see in the Daily Newspaper. She wasn’t spectacular, nor that interesting by her belief. So really, why would anyone want to read the paper about a woman who simply sparked a relationship with one of the most eligible (or was before he met her) and prominent male figures in the country?...

Like any normal person on planet earth, they met by chance through mutual friends at a small social gathering. It was one of her male colleagues’ dinner parties celebrating his 27th birthday. She already knew a few of the other guests well from college, where they shared a few of the same classes and on occasion spent lunch together. One of the few others whom she had just met that night also just happened to be HIM. Their introductions were simple, friendly, and courteous. She never got nervous in meeting other people and her starting conversation was casual.
“How was your week? How do you guys know each other?” You know, the typical discussion and questionnaire the goes about meeting someone new. As she and some others gradually got into knowing the basics of one another, she was blindly unaware of WHO the man she had just met really was. Well, anybody who follows sport would know him.
He was one of his of his nation’s top rugby union players. A sporting hero. Centre position, strength, speed, and agility to boot. Regardless of his domineering 6’3 well built figure, he had a very gentle charisma. Upon shaking his hand, she couldn’t help but be intimidated by his incredibly tall stature. Especially for a young woman who had no choice but to literally look up at him with her 5’4 frame. And if her lacking knowledge of his true successful profession weren’t enough, she was clueless to the fact that he’s one of the highest paid. You’d think a highly intelligent woman would’ve known the status of a man wearing a Bvlgari watch when she saw one. He had money. And lots of it.


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