Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Dearest Abigail

My Dearest Abigail,

My sincere apologies that I cannot tell you this in person, your face will be the one I look most forward to as soon as I land. In these terrible long months that we have been separated and not being able to see each other never cease to make me fluster. I miss your kind smile, holding your hands, and your warms hugs. But most of all, I miss your lovely eyes that show so much promise and hope when the world cannot. Those are the things that make a man truly proud to have a loving and caring partner. You are and continue to be my reason to be living and fortify the strength inside me to fulfill and create magnificent dreams. You excite all of us with your daring demeanor. That to challenge ourselves and to dream beyond our circumstances is the root of a great adventure.

I could not imagine living the rest of my life with someone more exquisite. Sometimes the only part of my life that makes sense, is the one I share with you. I want to sail the British seas, enjoy the fruits of the Mediterranean, climb the mountains of Machu Picchu, trek the lands of Africa, and witness the midnight lights of every grand city there is. I dream of a lifetime adventure with you that end only when death begs us to. Not even a fatality so great would part us. May I share my riches, kindness, and all my love especially, with you.

Abigail. Will you marry me?