Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hair Envy

It's been years since I had a super-short-pixie-esque haircut... And a sudden change in my mood has me missing it. Indeed, missing IT. I absolutely loved that lightweight feeling around my neck, the little time and care needed to style it, and most of all... All those dainty looks I got from people around me like, "wow, she looks super cute!!" or the look in people's eyes that always said, "damn, she must be fearless if she can handle having her hair THAT short". There is definitely some positive attention associated with having that kind of hair.

I mean, I don't see why not? I graduated college last month - Hurray! I am now in the process of finding work and slowly but surely moving into that stage of official adulthood. I never really felt that way in my teens. I was quite irresponsible, obnoxious, and unmotivated then. It's not like that anymore. I've developed so much more momentum and thirst since reaching my twenties. I am just overjoyed with this freedom! Freedom and hair are somewhat interrelated in the looks department, no? We're always entitled to break some rules I think ;)

(Left:  Nora Zehetner, Top Right: Vanessa Hudgens, Bottom Right: Michelle Williams)