Thursday, July 26, 2012

Get Lean With Me: Healthy Eating

I think great health starts from the inside, which is why the beginning of my series is aaaaall about food! Healthy food of course! Eating right nourishes the mind, body, and soul. I don't believe in following any specific diet that says you're only allowed to eat this and that. 
Whatever happened to simplicity?

Here are some easy to follow rules to healthy eating.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Introducing: Get Lean With Me

Being healthy is something I pride myself in. Knowing the amount of commitment and discipline I put into it is a big deal. It’s almost natural though, especially since I take most of it after my mom. A great peace of mind, body, and soul are essential towards living a long and healthy life she says. And if she wants to see her own kids grow old then, why not? With a full-time job and three grown children she’s already got plenty on her mind, and yet she still finds time (albeit scarce) to take long walks in the park, a light jog, and squeeze in a nap. I’m not sure how she does it, but she does! And I’m incredibly grateful to have her lead by example.

I started taking fitness seriously when I graduated high school, so around the ages of 17-18? Getting started didn’t take much given that I was already healthy to begin with. Having a head-start really helped! At that time, I was already out of high school, working part-time, and beginning college in the fall. If I was going to enter a new chapter, I wanted to do it feeling and looking swell. Strategically I thought, a flexible workout & diet plan is a must (especially with upcoming fulltime classes and all). Randomly, yoga caved in.

I did my research: talked to people, read a tonne of articles on the internet, and read a bunch of books about simple yet effective yoga techniques for beginners. All that being gathered I went in and dived head first! *Ahem. Successfully. Thank God.
Up to this moment.... I love it!

I started doing it every other day to get my body inclined, then once I knew what I was doing I shortened my yoga schedule to 3 days a week for 45mins-hour. Each time I allowed myself a bit of time just to stretch out and practice my breathing. Within a few short weeks I felt, well, different. For starters I was more focused, and energized. My appetite finally got under control, and my body felt so much more lean and limber. Part of the nature of yoga is to help one improve their “balance” and “centre of gravity”, and what that does is improve your posture and grace, and your core. I slouched less, stood straight, and walking almost felt like breathing. Weird, huh?

I want to help others feel as great as I do if not better by letter everyone into my own personal routine. This obviously won’t work for everyone, but if it changes people’s perspectives on healthier lifestyle, or gives people a much needed kick in the behind to get fit... Than I’ve done what I can. I’ll be happy nonetheless. These next few posts will be a series called “Get Lean With Me”, and I’ll take you into a play-by-play of simple (I hope) tips on how to get healthy and slim. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Boyce Avenue doing Lights (Ellie Goulding original)

My Dearest Abigail

My Dearest Abigail,

My sincere apologies that I cannot tell you this in person, your face will be the one I look most forward to as soon as I land. In these terrible long months that we have been separated and not being able to see each other never cease to make me fluster. I miss your kind smile, holding your hands, and your warms hugs. But most of all, I miss your lovely eyes that show so much promise and hope when the world cannot. Those are the things that make a man truly proud to have a loving and caring partner. You are and continue to be my reason to be living and fortify the strength inside me to fulfill and create magnificent dreams. You excite all of us with your daring demeanor. That to challenge ourselves and to dream beyond our circumstances is the root of a great adventure.

I could not imagine living the rest of my life with someone more exquisite. Sometimes the only part of my life that makes sense, is the one I share with you. I want to sail the British seas, enjoy the fruits of the Mediterranean, climb the mountains of Machu Picchu, trek the lands of Africa, and witness the midnight lights of every grand city there is. I dream of a lifetime adventure with you that end only when death begs us to. Not even a fatality so great would part us. May I share my riches, kindness, and all my love especially, with you.

Abigail. Will you marry me?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cheer Up Saturdays


Dramatic Black

Bold Print

Grande Principessa!

Simply Ethereal

"I don't believe we've met..."

Shoes with that?

Les petites choses jolie

Are you DRESSed for the occassion?

Pinterest as we know it is a Virtual Wishboard Pinboard.
 An awesome site that allows members to "pin" things (particularly photos) they've seen around the web onto a personal page for others to view. Like Twitter members can also have followers for friends and members to keep up with their pins. It's got areas in food, photography, design, DIY, e-cards, and my personal chéri if you will. FASHION.

In being forced to spend the next few days at home by doctor's orders from having my wisdom teeth removed, I'm taking this time to rest and heal by giving myself some fashion therapy. Here I put together some of my favourite findings...

Heavenly Nudes
 Nude is the new black. Not as stark as white but not as bright as pink. Subdued. Subtle. Simple. and Delicate... Almost a palette cleanser. The great thing about nudes is they look flattering on every skin tone and different tones and textures making it very easy on the eyes.

Dream Worthy
What can I say? These gowns are exquisite! 

Waist Focus
I absolutely love the cut of each of these dresses. Fun and feminine, especially the one in the center. Once again mixing tones and texture makes each of them stand alone pieces. 
Pair 'em with fancy shoes and a cute clutch... Party anyone?

The Finesse!
How uber cute is this!? Polka dots have been a long favourite of mine and the over-sized ones on this one give a modern take on what's often considered a retro pattern. The belt and purse tie the look so nicely. 
I was never fond of the lace skirt trend until I saw this look on Miranda Kerr. I always thought lace mini-skirts tend to look quite vampy. But this one in particular paired with the button down blouse somehow make the look appropriate for work almost.I think I know what I'll be shopping for next :)

Wise Words & Good Laughs

Be Here Now by Ray Lamontagne

Don't let your mind get weary and confused
Your will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies

Don't let your soul get lonely child

It's only time, it will go by
Don't look for love in faces, places
It's in you, that's where you'll find kindness

Be here now, here now

Be here now, here now

Don't lose your faith in me

And I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall

Be here now, here now

Be here now, here now

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hair Envy

It's been years since I had a super-short-pixie-esque haircut... And a sudden change in my mood has me missing it. Indeed, missing IT. I absolutely loved that lightweight feeling around my neck, the little time and care needed to style it, and most of all... All those dainty looks I got from people around me like, "wow, she looks super cute!!" or the look in people's eyes that always said, "damn, she must be fearless if she can handle having her hair THAT short". There is definitely some positive attention associated with having that kind of hair.

I mean, I don't see why not? I graduated college last month - Hurray! I am now in the process of finding work and slowly but surely moving into that stage of official adulthood. I never really felt that way in my teens. I was quite irresponsible, obnoxious, and unmotivated then. It's not like that anymore. I've developed so much more momentum and thirst since reaching my twenties. I am just overjoyed with this freedom! Freedom and hair are somewhat interrelated in the looks department, no? We're always entitled to break some rules I think ;)

(Left:  Nora Zehetner, Top Right: Vanessa Hudgens, Bottom Right: Michelle Williams)

Monday, July 16, 2012

My ultimate goal is to leave this word a better person, 
and for me not to be the only one who knows it.

~Gavin Degraw

Friday, July 13, 2012

Pain insists upon being attended to. 
God whispers to us in our pleasures, 
speaks in our consciences, 
but shouts in our pains.
 It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.

~ C.S. Lewis
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. 
Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened
ambition inspired
and success achieved.

~ Helen Keller

Monday, July 02, 2012

I love to work... 
If you work hard you get good, 
and good turns into great,
and hopefully I'm the definition of that.

~ Lil Wayne