Saturday, September 01, 2012

400 Calorie Breakfast Ideas

Since starting my new job 3 weeks ago, I've gotten into the habit of eating wiser and more importantly, eating healthier. I work in a fast-paced environment where I'm on my feet for hours on in, and having the energy is key in making sure that I get through it all in once piece. is a website dedicated to giving readers and subscribers full insight into living healthier lives and getting the best out of simple fitness routines and eating plans.
I've been following there "10 morning meals that keep you full until lunch" by David Kelly
for weeks now, and I can truly say... It works! They're quick and easy to prepare, and satisfying! I don't find myself starving as soon as noon hits anymore.

Peanut butter and banana sandwhich
A toasted whole grain English muffin with pb spread on top
A side of sliced bananas and blueberries

Cheesy eggs with toast
 An omelet of 1 egg and 2 egg whites,
filled with spinach, tomatoes, and some mozza cheese
2 slices of whole grain toast (no butter!)

Honey sweetened granola
Find the honey granola recipe here
Top with some milk 
Enjoy with a glass of organic OJ

Egg sandwich on the run
Egg and cheese mcmuffin (no meat!)
Iced coffee with skim milk and sweetener

Peach parfait
Mix up some vanilla yogurt with freshly sliced peaches,
low-fat granola, honey, and cinnamon

Ham and cheese frittata

Fancy cereal with milk
 Pour some Kashi into a bowl with some milk, fresh berries, and chopped

Waffle sundae
2 slices of home-made waffles with fat-free plain yogurt,
fresh berries, slivered almonds, and a little maple syrup

Bagel & Cream cheese
Toasted cinnamon raisin bagel with a tablespoon of cream cheese,
serve with black coffee or tea

Oatmeal and buttermilk pancakes