Saturday, August 18, 2012

Flower Power

Discovery leads to amazing things.
Earlier today I walked into my sisters bedroom looking to use some of her hairspray, 
but I ended up getting way more than I bargained for. 
Sitting right next to her tub of hair products was her container of hair accessories in which she keeps things like bobby pins, headbands, elastics, clips, and what have you. And inside that lovely little container I found THIS...

 The cutest black flower hairband!
Knowing the fact that it had been sitting at the very bottom of the bin, 
I don't think my sister had touched it in a long time. 
It may have been neglected but I thought it had some life still left in it.

And with that I quickly curled my hair with a curling iron 
(I'm not sure why but I always think that curls and headbands are like made for each other) 
and wore that headband like it was a friggin' diamond ring.
It looks adorable don't cha think??

Here are some more pics and close-ups
This was also an opportunity for me to do a bit of cam-whoring.

The flower piece is constructed almost like an orchid and made of some lace fabric, 
all of it attached onto a garter hairband.
I haven't a clue where my sister purchased it from, 
but I'll have to ask so I can spend have some for my own collection :)