Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Go get your dreams!!

When you want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

I was moping around home today and in debate of whether I should do a post. But I was kind of lacking inspiration, until.... I was going over an old letter from one of my penpals. And I had told him before about how I have days when I just have such difficulty trying to get into something that's completely out of my natural element. Like playing a different sport, learning a new language, this and that...

And in response his letter wrote "...There's a saying that goes, when you really want something, the universe works in your favor..." And I immediately knew what he was talking about! It was a quote from one of my favorite authors - Paulo Coelho. If ya haven't heard the name before, you really need to check him out. Enough said.

Anyways, I remember writing to him and telling how appreciative I was about him reminding me of those words because, they have such special meaning and truth that his letter just gave me a huge boost I needed. Because we all know how crazy complicated life is, but when you just take the time to understand yourself and how life just is. You just get a huge hand from God, helping you to get back on track again.

When I was in high school, and like most young people at this age. They ask us to take this career aptitude test that is supposedly to "help" us realize what we should do in life. I remember taking the test over and over and over. And my results were usually - you should be a designer, an actress, an artist, a business specialist. I remember thinking, really? Is this what I should actually do with myself in the future? But then this past year, I finally thought - this computer doesn't know me! Nor does this test have anything to do with who I really am! What is the real I? It's what you are, not what others make of you.

Regardless if you're a child, a teen, or an adult - we all have dreams. And every now and then there's always someone or something dictating and trying to affect the path of our dreams. Dreams are the language of God. When you set a path for yourself, you have to be stubborn about it and try your best never to lose focus. Of course, there will be good times and bad, but it's how we interpret those times that we can really take to advantage. We have this language of the omens, the language of the signs. It is an alphabet that is directed to us.

God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you. All those things that happen while we're chasing our dreams have meaning. We have to keep them in mind as we go along.

Soooo - after I finish this delicious pizza, I've some thinking to do. And so do you! Go get your dreams!

Every human being has inside them something more important then him or herself - his or her GIFT.


Monday, August 23, 2010


Sorry I've been a bit MIA this past week. I just haven't really been in the mood for a new post. Just recently, I've been going to through a very rough time and I'm just barely coping. But I decided to give myself a pick-me-up and I found this little story that really gave the boost that I needed...

(from He Invites)

For thirty two years I have struggled with the pain, grief, and destroyed confidence that results from emotional abuse. "You'll never amount anything," was probably the most encouraging phrase my family ever spoke to me. I believed and suffered from it. It affected every area of my life, until I discovered the love and hope that is in Jesus Christ. I learned that I was created in the image of God (Genesis 9:6), forgiven all my sins (Ephesians 1:7), and adopted into the family of God (I John 3:1). The life I now enjoy is valued and eternal (I John 5:11). According to God's word, I am really somebody special. I no longer believe the lies of the enemy (Revelation 12:10).


Monday, August 09, 2010

A dreamer of dreams

By Gloria Jean Berry

You have come to me from a distant land,
Dreamer of dreams, to fill my hearts desire,
Sweet music flowing from your nimble hand,
That plays within... to light my passion's fire.

A symphony of word and thought you bring.
Excitement builds upon crescendo's sound,
Brought forth in tones to make my light heart sing
For all the beauty that, with you, I've found.

A life has changed in just an instant's time,
All darkness fled before that brilliant sun,
That shines from spoken words of softest rhyme,
And speaks of treasures, only just begun.

That mystic meeting gives my heart a glow
That few have seen and only you will know.


Sunday, August 01, 2010

My last month!!

Hello again.

Holy Moses, I can't believe that August is the absolute last month of my hiatus. As soon as September rolls around, I'll be a full-time college student woohoo! It's been a very long 12 months and I'm confident enough to say that I'm ready to get back into the REAL WORLD with a fresh mind and open heart.
I believe I've learned more about myself during this time, than at any other point in my life. It hasn't been easy though, I did shed a few tears in the beginning. Spiritually, I'm much more stronger. The most compelling individual I've met... Is my inner self. When you're able to connect with who you really are, everything starts to fall into place. Alright, I'm going to stop babbling before the water works come in haha.
Here is a piece of last month for yah.

I like... Kina Grannis' Stairwells album
I don't like... Sweat season (I mean *summer*)
I've planned... To read 'Chocolat' and get back into yoga
I want to say to someone special... It's never 'goodbye' or 'farewell'. It's 'we'll see each other down to road'
I've learned... That there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.