Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ode to 2009

The last day of 2009 and I can clearly say that the past year has been one hell of a ride. Now I wonder how long it's going to take before I realise that I'm still writing 2009 instead of 2010 on paper. Next year however (which would be like, hours from now hahaha!) I don't think I'll be doing that anymore. I admit lately I've been practicing what it would like to write those numbers. And since I'm so very excited I'm going to bring it up as many times as I can. 2010 2010 2010....
Waiting for the new year to come wouldn't be as anticipating without looking back at the past year. Where do I even begin?! Normally I have a major dislike for getting all nostalgic, but with this post in particular, I can't really help it can I? 2009 has been such a freakin' emotional year, and seeing as I'm not a huge yuppie, that means something.
Throughout I went through happy times, the not so happy, and all the sh*t in between. Nonetheless 2009 was never short of wonderful and brilliant. I'll never finish writing this if I don't stop reminiscing! Focus M. focus.... I'll definitely have some wonderful memories to look back on and share with others.
My mission for 2010 really is just to continue this ride as it is, with me on it. I'll be a passenger for life. I want to continue to grow as a person and have complete control of my own life. Hopefully 2010 has more beautiful things in store me.

Happy New Years.


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