Sunday, December 06, 2009

It's cold outside

Sunday morning of the first week of December.
There is a large screen staring at me with a blank post, and I'm deciphering whether living in such a snowy place at this time is ever a good thing. Just two nights ago my big city home went through a horrid snow storm. It's now settled and the sun has come up, though unfortunately I won't be doing any traveling seeing as my entire neighborhood is resting in about 2 feet worth of the white stuff. It is indeed freezing, and last night made me slightly suicidal.
So here I am, bundled up in my favourite pyjama pants (they're blue with coloured cats all over ha!), and my limp and old (yet warm *phew*) black sweater. Oh! and I should mention the socks that I keep forgetting to throw in the washer. So what? They're warm and I'm happy. However, what isn't making me very happy is my sleepy home (I haven't been out since the blizzard). Mind you non-happiness is never healthy. So for this brand spankin' new post I've decided to list the things that make me well.......happy.
Here they are, my simple little pleasures

-The sensual aroma of coffee first thing in the morning.
Sadly, I ran out of cream this morning, so as of this moment I'm sipping on some highly strong and bitter coffee. Not-so-great, but still bearable. The soothing smell makes up for it.
- Pride in newly purchased clothing.
Shopping is indeed one of my favourite hobbies. With that being said that doesn't mean I'm implusive.
- The feeling of a brand new haircut - always for some reason relieves a stiff neck
- The scent of fresh flowers.
- Ice cream, what ever flavour it may be.
- The sound of an acoustic guitar playing in the background.
- Baking.
- The crisp pages of a brand new book.
- The taste of moist chocolate cake.
- A pillow that perfectly molds my head.
- My own bedroom. Where I feel happy and in-control of my life.


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