Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ode to 2009

The last day of 2009 and I can clearly say that the past year has been one hell of a ride. Now I wonder how long it's going to take before I realise that I'm still writing 2009 instead of 2010 on paper. Next year however (which would be like, hours from now hahaha!) I don't think I'll be doing that anymore. I admit lately I've been practicing what it would like to write those numbers. And since I'm so very excited I'm going to bring it up as many times as I can. 2010 2010 2010....
Waiting for the new year to come wouldn't be as anticipating without looking back at the past year. Where do I even begin?! Normally I have a major dislike for getting all nostalgic, but with this post in particular, I can't really help it can I? 2009 has been such a freakin' emotional year, and seeing as I'm not a huge yuppie, that means something.
Throughout I went through happy times, the not so happy, and all the sh*t in between. Nonetheless 2009 was never short of wonderful and brilliant. I'll never finish writing this if I don't stop reminiscing! Focus M. focus.... I'll definitely have some wonderful memories to look back on and share with others.
My mission for 2010 really is just to continue this ride as it is, with me on it. I'll be a passenger for life. I want to continue to grow as a person and have complete control of my own life. Hopefully 2010 has more beautiful things in store me.

Happy New Years.


Monday, December 28, 2009

In the city of blinding lights....

So just recently someone asked me to do an online interview in regards to how life is like where I live. I mentioned with my previous post that I do live in the city, which by the way is still covered with dreadful snow. But I don't blame mother-nature, its winter for the love of God! Anyways we bloggers are all over the world, and some become curious about what life is like living where we are. I've been in the same place for just over 14 years years now (I could be one hell of a tour guide if I wanted to ha!) but I can't say I know every in and outs of such a huge place. But I think it's safe to say that I've lived here long enough to create one harmonious life for myself!

'City life according to M.'


Who is part of your circle?
My girls: Carina, Kristyn, Sam, Angela, Charm, Gian, and Danica. 5 years deep.
The most romantic place in the city is...
Really depends on ones' definition of 'romantic'. My idea would be anywhere serene and relaxed.
City guys are like... Fish in the ocean! So diverse and unpredictable! It's a huge urban area where you can find all types of guys. You just have to search real hard to find the perfect one just for you.
City girls are like... Not like any other species in the world.
Dating here is... Can't say I date much, but from the ones I've been on it's fun if you're both open-minded and out for a good time to get know one another.
The best pickup place here is... Anywhere with human species?

What made you come here and when did you come?
Like my parents I was born in a foreign country. The opportunities there are limited, and they wanted something better, so when I was about 4 years old we moved here. It was definitely a culture shock especially for a young girl. Now 14+ years later...I'm alive aren't I?
What made you stay?
The city life really: lots of interesting people and diverse places.
What are your favorite hot spots?
17th ave in the summer, Carina's place, and any Second Cup Coffee lounge.
Working in the city is...
Great and sometimes not-so-great. When the economy slowed a while back, opportunities jammed and all of a sudden you're under radar which made it difficult to move on towards a new position. Though in a big city, hard work always pays off!

Your favorite thing(s) to in the city...
Spend time with friends, go out for a bite at a cool spot, and make money!
What's it like finding a place here?
Not too bad if you have a solid bank account and a nice landlord. Bottom line is just try your best to stay away from the ghetto areas...AKA Forest lawn.
What is best thing about living where you are and the worst thing?
I'd say the best part is the people you meet and end up becoming close to. The worst thing? Crappy roads and ridiculous weather

Put some of your hobbies in order of your favorite things to do...
Relax, listen to music, read, spend time the ladies, watch a good movie.
Do you have a favorite place that you've traveled?
Unfortunatley I don't travel that often, especially at the point that I'm in my life right now. Though in the future I will definitely get out there more. One place I'm really keen on visiting is France!
If you could do whatever your wanted in a full day what would you do?
Go somewhere calm and quiet and just relax.
What does a typical day in your world look like?
Both harmonious and hard work

In two sentences or less, give your advice in the following areas

Love... You can never have too much!
Life... Live it the way you want to, work hard, and remain true
Friends... Fish out the bad ones, and you'll end with the brilliant ones
Family... The greatest people you will EVER meet
Work... Don't settle for anything less than what you deserve. If you're not happy, why waste your time?

Happy Holidays

Sunday, December 06, 2009

It's cold outside

Sunday morning of the first week of December.
There is a large screen staring at me with a blank post, and I'm deciphering whether living in such a snowy place at this time is ever a good thing. Just two nights ago my big city home went through a horrid snow storm. It's now settled and the sun has come up, though unfortunately I won't be doing any traveling seeing as my entire neighborhood is resting in about 2 feet worth of the white stuff. It is indeed freezing, and last night made me slightly suicidal.
So here I am, bundled up in my favourite pyjama pants (they're blue with coloured cats all over ha!), and my limp and old (yet warm *phew*) black sweater. Oh! and I should mention the socks that I keep forgetting to throw in the washer. So what? They're warm and I'm happy. However, what isn't making me very happy is my sleepy home (I haven't been out since the blizzard). Mind you non-happiness is never healthy. So for this brand spankin' new post I've decided to list the things that make me well.......happy.
Here they are, my simple little pleasures

-The sensual aroma of coffee first thing in the morning.
Sadly, I ran out of cream this morning, so as of this moment I'm sipping on some highly strong and bitter coffee. Not-so-great, but still bearable. The soothing smell makes up for it.
- Pride in newly purchased clothing.
Shopping is indeed one of my favourite hobbies. With that being said that doesn't mean I'm implusive.
- The feeling of a brand new haircut - always for some reason relieves a stiff neck
- The scent of fresh flowers.
- Ice cream, what ever flavour it may be.
- The sound of an acoustic guitar playing in the background.
- Baking.
- The crisp pages of a brand new book.
- The taste of moist chocolate cake.
- A pillow that perfectly molds my head.
- My own bedroom. Where I feel happy and in-control of my life.
