Thursday, July 23, 2009

Beginning to blog

Summer of 2009 and I am officially a new blogger : )

This is my first time getting into this entire blog she-bang so for now I'm just getting the hang of it. From now on I'll be sharing thoughts, expressions, reflections, and understandings via blogging. I've considered maintaining a hand-written journal, but 1. I type faster then I write, and 2. I am a firm believer in yes! to new technology.

So as a novice in this current and exciting activity, it's always best to start with an introduction shall we? My name is Mari Grace (pronounced 'Mary') and I'm a young Canadian walking through life one step at a time. I enjoy movies, reading, get-togethers with friends, and warm lattes. I may not be the most exciting individual or out-going, but personally I see myself as sure well bloody brilliant. I have many thoughts to share, and more importantly, many thoughts to listen to. Close colleagues see me as easy going and am an excellent listener, if someone has a thought, it will always be worth consider.

For now I think that's enough information to take in, so in the mean time I'm going to experiment with my blog and continue posting entries. Cheers.

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