Thursday, July 23, 2009

First date...Disappointing.

From my understanding, as for any young woman out there, I know how overwhelming a first date can be. Last night on July 22nd, 2009 was mine (FINALLY is probably what my friends are thinking). I plan to share every detail - don't worry they're nothing inappropriate seeing as the night was after all, disappointing : ( Well here I go, deep breaths ladies...

Now earlier in the week I received a text from a male friend asking how I was doing. I admit I had some excitement for a few reasons, the first is that we haven't spoken in a while, and we did bond quite well when we first met in English class. The second, is that throughout our friendship I could never get over the fact that there could be something between us. Numerous times we've had hang-outs over coffee, but those were just casual.

Anyways, we had a good conversation via texting, and in between I had a feeling he was going to ask if I'd like to hang out sometime. Then I decided to turn the tables, and simply asked, "when are you free?" and he said all week after a certain time from work. We confirmed a day, and he offered to take me to an Italian restaurant for dinner. He then replies, "so it's a date : )". I mean dinner, two different genders, the guy goes to pick up the girl, you can't avoid the obvious. He confirmed to come and pick me up at 7pm. It was a date for sure (which would be my first)

The day passes by and he comes along and picks me up, that's when I realize what an unpleasant night is in store for me. First and foremost, he is a RECKLESS DRIVER! I live very close to an elementary school so hence, school zone. He even got honked at for driving so bloody fast.

So then we arrive at the restaurant, it was hands down some darn good food :) and probably during the only good part about the night. We had a decent conversation and talked about well...Everything - life, the future, college, and the moments that we find totally bizarre but end up staying with us forever. I couldn't help but stare at him at one point seeing as well, he is quite good looking, but there's something that I find so intriguing about him that I can't put my finger on. During dinner he made a trashy but funny comment relating to Friends saying he can't decide which is better 'food or sex', luckily he chose the best one. (FOOD duh!) It still made me smile :)

I assumed we were going to split the bill, I had my wallet out and everything only to be surprised when he offered to pay the majority of it, leaving me with tips. I thought that was a change seeing as a few of the men I know...Borrow money incessantly, it for sure a sweet change.

Afterwards we went for a little walk near a beautiful lake view that simply just took my breath away. He found a park bench to sit by and we sat and spoke some more. It was then that I realised what we have, is NOT going to blossom any further then friendship. He brought out his cell phone numerous times throughout and even CALLED someone. The majority of the comments he also makes about himself are out of his own pride - "There are so many girls out there that hit on me", "I did have a girlfriend, but she was annoying and weird", "I don't understand why all the ugly and fat ones are attracted to me". Now I am just getting started....

He complained a few times about him being so tired, afterall he did work that morning. I even said that if he really wanted to sleep we could do this another time, but he insisted the opposite and to continue with the evening. There was even a point when he almost dozed off had I not woken him up. 9:00 hits (yes I know, the evening lasted only 2 hours) we both feel it's time go home. Though it was more for his benefit since he was incredibly exhausted (I did feel guilty but I understood). At this point he tries to hold my hand, but I pulled a stealth one and didn't take it. Sorry buddy.

When I finally arrived home I realised, that we have NOTHING in common in terms of interests, and his being brash is such a turn off. When I got out of his car I didn't give him a hug or even a kiss on the cheek, as harsh I may be we both didn't need it. I simply said "Thanks for the evening, and have a great one." Like I said, now that I look at the situation from a different perspective, our bond will not go any further than friendship. I think it's best it stays that way.


Beginning to blog

Summer of 2009 and I am officially a new blogger : )

This is my first time getting into this entire blog she-bang so for now I'm just getting the hang of it. From now on I'll be sharing thoughts, expressions, reflections, and understandings via blogging. I've considered maintaining a hand-written journal, but 1. I type faster then I write, and 2. I am a firm believer in yes! to new technology.

So as a novice in this current and exciting activity, it's always best to start with an introduction shall we? My name is Mari Grace (pronounced 'Mary') and I'm a young Canadian walking through life one step at a time. I enjoy movies, reading, get-togethers with friends, and warm lattes. I may not be the most exciting individual or out-going, but personally I see myself as sure well bloody brilliant. I have many thoughts to share, and more importantly, many thoughts to listen to. Close colleagues see me as easy going and am an excellent listener, if someone has a thought, it will always be worth consider.

For now I think that's enough information to take in, so in the mean time I'm going to experiment with my blog and continue posting entries. Cheers.