Wednesday, February 13, 2013

You know, I quite enjoy my job. It may not be a status career that entails building bridges, leading thousands, or earning millions. But my coworkers are great, our clientele are friendly... Well, most of them, I should say. And today I wasn't so lucky in dealing with said clientele....

A man walked in requesting that we put an item on hold for him at another location as ours didn't have his size. I gladly fulfilled his request and in what I thought would be the end of the situation... Turned out to be less than good meaning.

He explained to me that last time he had put the item on hold at another location, he realized by the time he could pick it up, it was no longer eligible for the limited time offer. Easy to understand, right? This man (who, by the way, had a hideous East Indian accent, strange pungent smell, and poor manners) thought it was so unfortunate on his terms that he had to express it in such a loud voice. Like really? He was rather persistent about it and even my poor little "I understand sir" wasn't enough for him to stop screaming/talking.

Clients were looking at him with rather abhorrent eyes as if to say, "WHY in the world are you yelling?". All throughout my face was turning purple and I was embarrassed that it was ME who was having to deal with it. My supervisor even asked me afterwards, and told me not to worry about people like him. Seeing as it wouldn't be the first time we've had to deal with those kinds. Still: how unruly can peolpe be!

If I had the chance to say a few things to this man....

Dear Sir,
This is a warm environment in which we happily welcome and regard all of our clients. However we strongly find it disrespectful and barbaric of you to walk in, raise your voice unnecessarily with needless intentions. We understand your past experiences left you dissatisfied. However, there is a much more tactful way in seeking resolution to your problems. It’s rather simple. Failing to comply, much less adhere to more CIVIL conduct will result in your immediate removal from the area through security staff.