Sunday, June 24, 2012

The mutual feelings he had for his best friend's lady-friend continuously grew with her every presence. For the first time he could look at a girl and feel a sense of wonder, astonish, and enamor... To his own surprise. And yet the few discussions he had about her with his best friend always made him shudder in disbelief about how the guy he knew for the better part of his life could avoid the same kind of attraction. She was polite without ever being boastful... Elegance, charm, and simplicity. Such a rarity even for him - a first. Her reliability and loyalty only made him more curious, and the possibility of having her as his own would almost be an honor. He once contemplated why so many women lacked such amazing qualities. Until he realized that it was not that most girls didn't possess those attributes, they just weren't as noticeable. Nor did they make the effort to make them that way.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Never reject the opportunity to receive advice/feedback. 
You are always a work in progress
People are always a work in progress

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Before you begin to judge me, 
let me say this, 
God created me in this image and that is the way I shall continue to rock down the path of righteousness!