Monday, January 18, 2010

The Bucket List

What would I want to do before I die? I can't believe I've never been asked that question! Anyways MTV just recently premiered a new documentary series (finally something far from superficial!) called 'The Buried Life'. 4 ordinary guys, 100 things to do. I watched the first episode just hours before and was just in awe. Living prove that no road is too long and no dream is too short. It seriously got me thinking.... Life is complicated but incredible, and if I could do whatever I wanted before I said goodbye, what would it be? Gosh there are so many things I want to achieve it's unbelievable. But if I had to narrow it down to my own little bucket list, this is what I want to do before I die:

1.) See the world! Planet Earth is honestly one of the most fascinating places ever. I hope to visit as many places as I can.
2.) Learn a different language.
3.) Go bungee jumping. I'll be truthful and admit I have a fear of heights. So if it's one way to overcome that obstacle, this might be it.
4.) Put a smile on a strangers face. Alright, so I've done it before, but I want to spread my happiness to others for as long as I'm alive.
5.) Tell someone "I Love You."
6.) Have coffee with someone brilliant, who has inspired and done great things.
7.) Give a less fortunate child the opportunity to experience this wonderful life just as I have.
8.) Tell my story to a complete stranger.
9.) Live this awesome life with as much integrity and determination as possible.
10.) Encourage others to do the same.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Tunes to tune out

So lately for some reason I've been really preoccupied, and very rarely do I say this, but I just don't know what to do with myself at this time. It is unfortunate, but it's obviously not a great way to start a new year. Normally I'm motivated and striving to succeed, but at this moment in time there's just been nothing. Nada. I'm kind of just coasting through life at the moment and recolecting, there just hasn't been any inspiration to draw from. I do consider myself to be a bit of a happy person, so to help get back to my happy place, I'm finding solitude through a new post. Well, it's a good first step for now. I also find serenity in listening to music. Listening to different melodies is one of my beloved great past times. Anyways for the past few weeks there have been a few songs that have allowed me to just mellow out. And bring me to a place that I can only dream of (my happy place). I find that the best songs are the ones that put me at ease, and give me some sort of peaceful feeling. Like Colbie Caillat says, "A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good."
Here they are, just a few of the tunes that help me get through it all.

Bubbly - Colbie Caillat The one song that I can listen to when I'm at home knowing I can't go outside do to unfortunate weather circumstances. It gives a rainy day some 'sunshine' just when you need it.
Just say yes - Snow Patrol After given notice that Snow Patrol was releasing a new album, their first promotional single was this. The lyrics themselves put me in a world out of reality......'Please take my hand. Just say yes. Just say there's nothing holding you back.'
Vertigo - U2 Always gets me pumped for a day that you know is going to be good.
The man who can't be moved - The Script I only recently became a keen listener to this Irish band. I've heard all their singles, and not one of them fails to give me coolness. The one song in particular always ends up being played numerous times on my ipod when I take a walk.
The Listening - LIGHTS The synth pop harmony is incredibly catchy, and again takes me out of stressful reality.
City Lights - Sara Bareilles Totally relatable lyrics. Living on your own in a huge city can have it's perks.
